Parramatta Cancelled, NOT HAPPY JAN!



Upon hearing a rumour that the final NSW youth circuit event was being cancelled, I ran the bowl today and found out that it was cancelled, the desk was busy so i wasnt able to talk at liberty as to the reason forthe tournament cancelation. But my guess is numbers....

People travelling overseas.... too close to X'mas.. not enough prize fund I dont know.... All I know Is i want to put forward an entry form that I will end up bowling....

It's starting to piss me off!!!

Can anyone confirm the reason?
I share your anger at losing the Sprint, mate. Four people signed up for it :shock: and I would've been the fifth. Enough said ...
yeah i woulda been the 6th i think.. its not right i was really lookin forward to this.. maybe they should think bout movin it back to october or maybe further back i know there is alot of stuff goin on but i think we could fit it in somewhere dont u think?
it is really disapointing cos now i have to go to a stupid railway picnic with the family!!!
oh wells maybe they might change it round next yr..
catch yas
Why do you think tournaments get cancelled?? Lack of entries, as said in the post before, only 4 names were down. The only people that should be angry are the tournament directors, as they try their hardest to organise a tournament, with rankings points available, and with no interest shown, what else are they supposed to do?? Craigie, you said that you would've been the 5th, when people leave it to the last week to put an entry in, dont you think its abit late?? (I have sometimes done that before, but i also learnt by tournaments being cancelled, so if you want to bowl a tournament, put your entry in early). One last thing, the amount of prize money stated on the entry form is just a guide, if they recieve more entries, the prize fund will rise. Hopefully next year if they are prepared to run them again, i will put my name down and try to get others to do the same. I hope i havent offended anyone, as that was definately not the intention, and i wish the tournament wasnt cancelled aswell as there would've been some great bowling.
I had made enquiries the previous week to Parramatta Bowl about the Sprint, and I continued to try and find a way to get the form. Oh well, its irrelevant now since its cancelled. Its a shame because I was looking forward to it, even though I wouldn't have made the cut-off ... I was looking forward to see how I went personally.
Well i know of 4 bowlers who had entered for this tournement, myself, kelly gardner, michelle astill and joel lovegrove from MELB! so there had to be more then 6! my mum rung parra bowl last week to see how many entries they had and the staff at the bowl didnt even know anything about the tournement!! and then later that week they said they only had 1 entry from kelly gardner when i knew as a fact other ppl had put there entries in! so i think thats a bit slack on the bowls behalf and it may have something to do with them!
thats just my say!!!

take it easy!!
Hey everyone,

I have to admit it is disappointing to see this torunament cancelled...after speaking to Warren Stewart yesterday afternoon he confirmed that they had only received 7 entries into the tournament...

This is extremely sad as there are plenty of youth bowlers out there that could be bowling this event...and now we are in danger of losing these youth tournaments in the future.....i dont understand why ppl r not bowling it? There is reasonable prize money up for grabs....chance to compete against the best youth bowlers in the country...what is holding ppl back from bowling??

Well just my opinion all...not menaing to offend anyone just simply asking people why they choose not to bowl?? So next year maybe AMF can structure the youth circut so the tournaments can be held...ohh well maybe next year..

over a month ago my brother rang and put both his and my names down to bowl... and then when we heard the sprint was cancelled we rang to confirm...we were told of 6 names down on the list and our names were not on makes me wonder how many other people this could have happened to...i'd definately have to say that theres some bad communication going on...we had assumed we were bowling and when we were told that there were 6 names down we assumed that we were 2 of them...if we hadnt asked we never would have known the truth...i think that this is a problem that definately needs to be overcome...cause if it keeps occuring many more tournaments will be cancelled...i know it happened with the blacktown sprint too...cause i work there a number of people rang to confirm their names we down when they werent...Lets just say its not all good!!!
hopefully next years youth circuit will gain a more positive result so that it doesnt get scratched all together
Love loz

And something needs to be done about it. Because to have two AMF events cancelled back to back is very very disappointing.

1. Entry forms should be mailed to all bowlers on the mailing list. At each event the mailing list should be updated. All bowlers (adult,youth,junior) that competed in the previous years tournament should automatically receive an entry form. There should be a list for adult, youth and junior bowlers.

2. One or two weeks before each event, the bowlers should receive a phone call to confirm weather they would like to bowl. And the bowlers that have already placed an entry should receive a call to make sure they haven't changed their mind on competing.

3. Once at the tournament. The bowler participating on the lanes should receive quick and great service when needed (eg: dead wood in the gutter, machine breakdowns, or just cafe service). The example of great customer service at a tournament that I have experienced are The Melbourne Cup at Ed Fleming Lanes & The Australian Cup at Tuggeranong in Canberra.

4. If you experience a good tournament via the customer service and the professionalism in the way it has been conducted, there is no doubt that you would compete in the event the following year. Regardless if you bowled crap.

5. The main problem at the moment is that casual staff have no knowledge of the event being held at their centre. If a bowling centre is holding an event on a particular weekend then every staff member should know all the information about that tournament, not just the manager. It is not professional in anyway for staff members not knowing information about promotions or events happening within their work place.

NOTE: Come on AMF. Make the call and start promoting events. Be professional.
id have to agree with you there.. when i rang up the other day i was told only 5 people not including myself were bowling and as Kelly Belly said i knew of more then 5 people who told me they were bowling.. i luv bowling the youth tourneys even if i dont mak ethe cuts or dont get any money im there for the experience and to learn from the higher average bowlers i use this as an oppertunity to learn not to get money as im sure alot of other people do as well... i just hope it is going to be done better next yr for the sake of the bowling community..
Calling all youth bowlers,
there is still something to bowl in this weekend.
Saturday night at the new Wetherill park Bowl.
Doubles daybreaker.
$80 per bowler, $1000 1st plc for the team, pays 2nd and 3rd place
format is scratch, 9 no tap, 8 no tap and 3 6 9.
Check in 11.30pm
Ph 96096611.
Already has 18 teams.

have a go!
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