Only a question for 300 bowlers



What exactly does it take to bowl 300? I've only ever bowled 268, so I'm not quite there. Plus, every time I bowl a high game, it comes with an extremely low game before or after that lol!
THe ability to throw a 300 comes from a sound knowledge of your own game, ie, how you react under pressure, and what adjustments you need to make in that situation.

What I mean by that is, whether or or not you make your best shot under pressure, whether or not you get fast (like me) or slow, whether you trust it or not etc. I know that when I have 11 in a row, I need to move 2 boards left cos I get a bit fast cos of the adrenalin and as a result the break point is slightly delayed and the ball wont hook quite as much.

Finally after many years of practice I have a trust of my technique and ba sound knowledge of how i react under the gun. Even so, i have more misses after 11 in a row than successes, but I usually get the ones that really count, as in Manhattan SuperClassic in 1999.
ok i admit that my only 300 wasnt the prettyest 300 ever shot, at least 4 brooklyns( 2 that barely hit the headpin), but i said to myself that the last shot WAS going to be right of the head pin( yes i am a right hander lol) so i really thought about it and threw it out.. now it was 2 boards left of where i wanted it but nevertheless a good shot.. it went high flush tripping the 4 pin into the 9 for a strike... releived was an understatement at that stage.. now some ppl may say that it was a crappy 300 but i ahve had numerous 289's where in the 11th frame i have left a solid 9 pin in the pocket.... so i just say it makes up for that lol

any tips i can give in that situation... slow down.. take a few deep breaths and dont let the situation control you. also make it top priority to at least hit the headpin... believe me you have more luck when you hit it lol


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What exactly does it take to bowl 300?

Well you need to get 12 strikes in a row - in the same game!!!

when you've got a string of say 8 or so strikes, don't think to far ahead. Your'e next shot is the only one you can control, so just concentrate on throwing that the best you can.
The best chance you can give yourself is to just hit the pocket and if they all carry then your'e home.


Hey all...
I know how U feel straight_as_twisties, my high game previous to my 300 was a 266... and I am yet to bowl a game between those two scores...
All I can say is not to let people tell you what to do. Especially when it comes to number 12. Everyone always told me that if I got to the 12th, to always move 2 boards left... My theory was that if U have a shot that has produced 11 in a row, are you game to move? I listened to my heart, kept the same line throughout the entire game, and number 10, 11 and 12 were 3 of the best pocket shots I've ever thrown in my life! People that were there can vouch for the legitimacy of the last 3.
NEWay, I couldnt agree with Matty_0 any more. Just concentrate and play the game frame by frame... It really does work!
On that note of what it takes to bowl a 300 i think it also has alot to do with just being yourself and not trying too hard to do somthing you wouldnt normally do! e.g. If your a person that isnt quite on the lanes, when you get you sting of strikes going just do what you would normally do when your bowlin and dont think that you have say nine in a row. Just keep say singing or whatever but dont try and be quite and concentrate that way cause that obviously isnt your style of playing!!!
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