old bowling lanes



Has anyone gotten one of the old lanes that is prepared to return it for a donation for raising funds for the state teams which ever division. would make dining table and coffe tables to raffle of I would make legs and frame to make items and like before not ask to be reinburst except maybe a letter of thanks for helping your teams out. can leave details on web site and will contact you.
I have 2 pindecks... One is a coffee table, and the other is just a bench top for now, thinking about what I should do with it.

I wont be parting with them for sentimental reasons... they were off the lanes I shot 300 on :)
ave you got a photo of this table androo? i can help but picture it being ugly as hell :p

Although it would be a nice novelty i spose to have one, and i must say you are the only person i know that has the pindecks of the lanes he scored 300 on :roll: :roll: :roll:

Sounds good Androo turning a pin deck into a coffee table, you oughta throw a few bucks Norm's way and get him to do a pro job with it, seeing how good he is doing that sort of stuff - Amazing stuff.

I've scored a piece (about 50cm x 25cm) of what looks to be part of an approach, not really sure what it is though, it does have boards though.
Tiger ....

There is every chance that I am wrong in what I'm about to say .... as I am not even bowling at the moment and I'm not from Hobart ..... however I doubt you have a piece of an approach .... correct me if I'm wrong, but the same approaches are still in the centre are they not? They weren't replaced!
Well yes that's what I was thinking, hence why I say I'm not sure what it it's from.
Androoo'd probably know more about where it came from given he was there and helped out the fellas with it.
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