NSW State results from Campbelltown


New Member
Just wondering if the Nsw State championship results from Campbelltown were being put on here anywhere? I can't seem to find anything about them anywhere????

Congratulation Kevin McRae on a great win in masters coming from behind to take it out well done.

from the chown clan.

sorry we dont know any other results
Congratulations Kevin and whoever all the other winners were!!

Anyone know what the standings were for Restricted... we had to leave before they got announced :(
congratulations to shantelle butler for taking 1st in the girls division

2nd in the girls was deanne church and 3rd georgya britton

in the boys as mentioned kevin mcrae took 1st, Joe Wlodarczyk took 2nd and 3rd was ross byrne

in the restricted Alex berriman took out boys, with tristan foo a close 2nd, i apologise but i cant remember who won the girls restricted
Congratulations to everybody who competed this year. Absolutely excellent tournament, and there is a heck of a lot of talent going around. Special congratulations to Shantelle Butler (who never ever stopped smiling, great to see :D ) and to Kevin McRae, who with an unfortuanate injury at the end managed to pull off an extraordinary win and seal the deal on his victory. Both bowlers were able to win twice in their respective finals, having to beat the top qualifiers because of repercharge. Both finals went down to the wire, and they will definetly be remembered for some time.

Also, a big congratulations must go out to Joe and Ross a.k.a Byrnesy. Both bowlers were no short of magnificent in the finals, and they both bowled exceptionally well to make trouble for their opponents. Congrats on both your efforts, and I'm sure we will see a lot more of them in the future. Another congratulations goes out to Ross for bowling a HUGE game of 299 earlier in the week. I'm sure that 300 is well on it's way :D

To Dee and Georgya (another two girls who never seemed to stop smiling), what can i say. WOW! You two have a lot of talent, and you certainly showed that. Congratulations on your efforts, and good luck to you both in the future with your bowling.

To Alex and Tristan, it's great to hear you both bowling so well. Having seen a bit of your bowling, I know you both have enormous potential, and this shows just how much talent you both have. Keep up the great work!

To the place getting girls from restricted and to 3rd place in the boys, I'm not sure who you were, but congratulations on your efforts. Great to hear that so much talent is around.

To everybody, thank you for making the tournament what it was. The bowlers, the parents, the friends, the supporters, the coaches, the managers, the tournament committee, and to any and everybody else, thanks for making the tournament possible, and it's through your efforts that it is possible every year. Also special thanks to Capmbelltown (finally spelled it right this time) for hosting the great tourney.

Lastly, I want to say a massive shout out to the Southern Boys and Girls who won this year's Challenge Shield. Absolutely awesome efforts on everybody's part, and congratulations for also earning the overall winners trophy! Congrats must go out to the second Southern NSW boys team who finished in 2nd place, only just narrowly losing but bowling absolutely awesome! To every other team who competed in Challenge Shield, thank you for competing, without you, this is another thing that wouldn't be possible, and it's great to see so many bowlers competing :D GO SOUTHERN NSW!!!

Ciao Now

Rowey :p

P.S Anybody who saw me fall onto the lane...it hurt!
Also a special congrats to CORRIN for bowling soooo well in the Restricted masters on sun... but narrowly losing it in the last game....

<3 Marno :)
awsome bowln guys and well done kevin nearly everytime i come on here u are doing bigger and better things awsome bro, later.
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