NSW State Hunior Champs...Who will come out on top?

Rowey the li'l lefty

Your daily dose of random
What is everone's picks for State champ this year? In the boys i'd have to see my number 1 pick is Matty Sing, and in the girls it's close, but it could be anyone...maybe Kara Bunting...So anyhoo, let us know your picks for this year.


Rowey :p
And can I ask...How will Matt Kanafa, a SOUTH AUSTRALIAN win NEW SOUTH WALES state??
By correspondence perhaps??(Craigys joke...hehe :D )
oh........... lmao..............

Michael McDonald for the boys then.....

and for you jen !

Jennifer Jones for the girls
I don't think Josh Hunt is "your man" CRUSH, but if he bowls as good as he has been bowling here at home then he'll take home someting that's for sure.

I don't think Josh Hunt is "your man" CRUSH, but if he bowls as good as he has been bowling here at home then he'll take home someting that's for sure.

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