NSW Revised Champs results

and rpac32 only beat me by 63 pins in all events, not that much considering i bowled a 444 in teams :p

congrats to everyone that was there

and rpac32 only beat me by 63 pins in all events, not that much considering i bowled a 444 in teams :p

LoL! 443 for teams, 610 for doubles, 509 for singles... got a bit off all worlds. Shame all events counts only for first appearance... 580 in D teams against your A graders... tisk tisk :p
It's not that I mind so much, as such, he brings a bunch of entries to my events too.

But at 2am, he's online talking bowling. I look at the forum, he's posting constantly... Oh to be that young and energetic I guess...
Do you ever sleep or do anything not bowling related mate?

Nope! Anyone who doesn't like it, I got 2 words for ya!

Haven't been working recently, so I'm online alot recently. Facebook is the ultimate time waster, so i'm there too :p
*New website coming soon* - Facebowl... Or is it Bowlbook...

When's it going to be done Richard? :p
No comment... not untill the legal stuff has been organised anyways. I'll be letting you know which one I open!

Anyways, we're really going off topic... as we always do :p
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