NSW Open 27-28 July


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Better book your flights now, they are starting to fill. For everyone who hasn't flown with Virgin, they sting you excess baggage for bowling balls so it is better to fly QANTAS. Get in now, it is only 10 weeks away.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by b boy:
Just Wondering??....is this a super 6 event?

Mark Foster

Mark Foster : yopu really are from Tasmania arent you ? What the hell are you doing in the Queensland Forum anyways ? We don't allow your type in here .. but to answer your question "Is this a Super 6 event?" .. well the answer is the same as "Has your mum been with every bowler in Australia?"


Have a nice day
*** u ****!........yo mama ,said she allows all types in her bed!, so i thought a reply on ur dodgy qland forum was suitable!!

Have a nicer day
look b boy .. i dont know who you are or where you got this chip on your shoulder but if i was you i would pull your head in. Your comments are not appreciated on this forum .. neither by me or your mum. By the way ive seen your form and if I was you I wouldnt go around spouting off too much or a certain video of you falling on your ass at the Hobart Masters on lanes 9 & 10 might find its way onto the net

I will have a nice day .. nicer than you
C'mon Graham, Dont be sad mate, i no my mum called it off with you!, something to do with ur lack of mojo!!.... Maybe a some form of operation will rectifi the problem
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