id like to say congratualtions to Harley Bowen for his dominance of d grade :lol: nah congratulations to matty sing for his win but i heard from someone that they gave him a life or something because he got knocked out before the finals,can anyone explain? :?
I think you mean a repicharge! Because Matt was in the winners bracket the whole way to the final (he basically didn't lose) he got a repicharge against Curtis who was in the Losers bracket.
Ive never been in the repicharge situation but personally I think they suck. You dont see such a thing in the footy or soccer or any other sport (well, not to my knowledge and understanding anyways...).
If a person can make it all the way to the final without losing, well whats one more block?
In Double Elimination it's not a case of 'would the top qualifier like another chance?' It's YOU HAVEN'T LOST YET AND YOU NEED TO LOSE TWICE IN DOUBLE ELIMINATION TO BE ELIMINATED! Repicharge is when the top qualifier gets another chance for the sake of the top qualifier getting another chance.