NSW GrandPrixs Future!

Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels
As a new chapter unroles for me in AMF as full time Tournament Director and promotor of our sport.

I would like to share some of my goals for the 2005 season and beyond, please feel free to add your views on what I would like to achieve, as your feedback is very important to me.

I want the NSW GrandPrix Series to be the circuit that everyone wants to bowl in and talk about. I strongly feel this will happen with some minor changes and alot of feedback from you the dedicated bowlers to this series.

In my brief stint at the job, we have had an increase in numbers in 2003 compared to 2002, which is a good sign, and after the first round of 2004 this year looks like being bigger again. With Barbara as my co-host you know we will always put the bowlers first.

Plans for 2005 and beyond - I am looking at more corporate involvement into our sport, to increase our prizefund, with will also increase our numbers.

Im looking at having gifts for top Male & Female Qualifiers, money for all 300 games, $2000 for first place, and a BIG PRIZEFUND for the last event of the year instead of having a grand final. How would $3000 sound for winning the last event of the year.

Also add one more event to call it the NSW Seven's Series,with possibly Penrith being the venue. The series winner will also receive FREE entry into our most Prestigeous event the SPC.

With your help and support I know my dream can become a reality in 2005, do you want to be part of it.

Taking GrandPrixs to the next level
Mr.GrandPrixs - Glenn Rowland
Great Ideas Glen

You have my support and as long as there are events on the map I will do my best to support them.

James Sitters

Southern Cross was the first tournament I have bowled in in years and it was great. Finished well down to order but had fun and meet some great people. I certainly will be supporting these tournaments along with any additions.

Anyone who has thought about bowling these tournaments should just do it. You won't regret it at all.

Some excellent ideas there Glen

The added prize funds will help attract more bowlers if it is spread properly. The more bowlers that cover their costs in an event will mean the more bowlers that will return next time, after all who wouldn't bowl if it costs you nothing??

I think it may also be an idea to try and introduce ways of bringing the 180-190 average bowlers into the Grand Prixs, in such a way that they have a chance of winning a prize. I'm not sure how this can be achieved, wether it be by a most improved award, most over average?? Any ideas would be welcomed. These bowlers are the future of the grand prix circuit and in the few years that i have been bowling them we have lost a great number of these fringe bowlers.

I would also like to see some sort of guidelines set down on the conditioning of the lanes (something similar to the TB Sports series). If we are to establish this series as the best in the country then a standard has to be set and maintained. Not wanting to sound like a bad loser (i didn't cut), but the conditions at the Sotuhern Cross Cup last weekend were detrimental to the sport. Conditions where you can fire the ball anywhere on the lane and hit the pocket doesn't showcase the talents of the bowlers on the circuit. Carry contest bowling is something that has become part of this sport, but should be reserved for house tournaments. Quality shots will always be rewarded but its when the bad balls still go in the pocket that the problem occurs. We don't need to make it impossible to score, just narrow the fairways a little.

Apart from all that, you have an excellent series in the making in 2005 and i for one will be there supporting it.

Chris Thomas
This is a topic I like. It's good that Glenn is talking to bowlers and getting their input on some ideas to improve the circuit. But the important thing is that the ideas need to be put into action and not just discussed about. And Glenn, I know you will put some of these ideas into action but your BOSS needs to give you the support and let them be trialed and the bowlers will show them it will work.

Chris Thomas has a point with the lane conditioning being a little tougher. And yes, the talented bowlers would prevail, and I'm all for that. The point is that we want to have the fringe bowlers (180-190 average) competing in the Grand Prix's then I'm afraid you have to have an easier condition for them to average 200+ otherwise they will not return.

I know if the condition was tougher there would have been four possibly five bowlers that made the final, would have missed the cut, and four to five elite players that missed the final would have made the cut. So you need to weigh up what is important.

Another idea would be to pay down to about 20th or 25th place with them receiving entry fees back for missing by a whisker. Example of this was Glen Anderson missing the cut on the weekend at Southgate by 1 pin and receiving a hand shake. He receives his entry fee back maybe he would enter the next event as that would have paid for it.

The tournaments need to attract more females and Youth bowlers. A way to do this would be to have top female and youth that does not make final receiving their entry fee back or free entry to next event.

It's great to have increased prize funds for an entry fee of $170. But there is nothing for the bowler who missed the final. That's what needs to be added to the circuit and I believe the NSW Grand Prix's can reach 70 entries.

Christian Purdue
Some good ideas there glen.I know when i was bowling the circuit in the mid to late 90's,if u came say 20th you would get some money if not all of it back.Christian has a point there,but by no means im looking for excuses.At the end of the day i missed out and didnt make the final,i payed the price for it.But it would be good to see the prizemoney go down the list just a little bit more.As for lane conditions,id like to see them a bit tougher and take out some of the area.Believe me,you soon adapt to harder condtions after a while.I have some old tournament sheets at home,and on some of those sheets,you shoot -50 or similiar to that,and you would make the cut.I do realise though that equipment and bowling balls are a lot better now than before.I will be the first to admit that on a really hard condition,i might struggle compared to the elite bowlers,but persistance and keep trying something differant will get you over the line one day.
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