North Queensland junior championships and intercity


New Member
Alright everyone thought i might start this one up,
Its september again and that means intercity so i ask this year whose everyone backing for a Win this year can cairns go back to back???
Or is mackay gunna throw there bowling balls in the ring wats everyone reckon,
I reckon cairns scratch boys can go back to back this year and still stay undefeated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Masters as well whose the tip for the that??

Cheers Scotty Bradley
(north Queensland)
Well im not from Nq, but i know a few of yas. I dont know any of the teams so ill just stick to the masters. I would put my money on Brain and Melissa taking them, Brain did really well at national masters, and Melissa finishing on top of the girls at Carrajong. Other boys, maybe Brendan or Justin M, Scott, Nick, not sure if Scotty L is bowling it, but i would say he'd be up there. For the girls, Terrie Needham, or Lari.
Good luck to ya's all, Hamish
Hey i have to say I rekon the boys from Cairns will go back to back and as for the girls well i don't know they are all to close... For masters I'd say either Brian, Nick, Scotty or Brendan and Terrie, Melissa & Lari and a few other girls have a chance aswell... All depends who can handle the lanes on the day...
Goodluck to you all should be good this year...
Cairns I wanna see you come back with it again... :D
well i we put my 2 cents in the ring

Masters Boys Brian T, Scotty L, Aaron N

Masters Girls Terrie N, Jessica N, Maree B, Missy,M.J

Inter city Thuringowa Boys & Girls scratch

Who is bowling in the intercity ?????

Let us know

Ned :p :p :p
Nick, Kevin or Brian

Terrie Melissa and Missy
Cairns Boys and not sure about the girls
But good luck to everyone!! :D
Mj's Predictions


My predictions for Intercity:

Boys Scratch- Cairns
Girls Scratch- Mackay or a Tsv team
Boys Handicap- Mackay
Girls Handicap- Mackay

LOL im not biased at all. :rolleyes:

My predictions for Masters:

Boys Open- Brian, Brendan, Justin.M or Aaron
Girls Open- Terrie, Jessica, Marissa or Larissa

Take it easy, cya all in September ;)
Not too sure on who will win Intercity this year as they are fairly evenly matched, including Currajong.

Boys Masters:-
Scotty L. most likely to win, but will also pick a few unknowns. Just because they are so unpredicable that they could do anything on the day.
Justin P, Cameron S, Justin M, Aaron N.

Girls Masters:-
Melissa, Missy, Terrie, Jessica, Kimberely

Good luck to all. Cya there.

Cazza :p
Sarah Kaluci Aka Lil Champ

Not long to go now, cant wait, its gonna be a good intercity :D

I realised that i didnt make a prediction for the restricted masters, i only have a prediction for the girls tho and i think that Sarah Kaluci has a good chance, she is only 10 but for a 10 year old this girl can bowl up a storm, i know i'll be behind her all wednesday!!!!! Good Luck to everyone....

Cya all soon
take it easy
Hey guyz and girlz,

i'd just like to wish every1 good luck in the torn and
mention that im taking a year off bowling so this years r
ep's gona be a soppy one. I'm definetly gona miss lozza, terrie,
carla and tanya who are da nicest chicks i kno.
Scott it's gona be quiet with out yah ;) and hope to see you all around.
Ne wayz i recon cairns is gona take the win again this year.
we've got a good chance.
well catchya all there! cant wait to c every1!

Lataz Tonaea.
HI guys,
Aaron here. Its only one week till intercity and i can't wait. My masters picks:
Boys scratch - Brian T, Brendan M or Scotty L (but watch out for Kevin, Jason and Taylor - great qualifying scores... and did curtis REALLY bowl 692???)

Girls Scratch - Jessica N, Terrie N, Missy S or Melissa D.

As for intercity, i reckon its pretty tight. Cairns have the best shot at scratch boys, but all the other teams could go to anyone, even currajong (their team this year ain't too bad). If kirwan doesn't win, I'd like to see Mackay with a home centre victory. Can't wait to get there!!

PS I heard that Cairns is staying at the same hotel as kirwan (Mackay Motor Inn). Is this true?
Hey Aaron I don't know much about where Cairns is staying because iam not going to intercity so maybe someone else could help you with that one... As for Curtis bowling 692... It was actully 691 and yes he did bowl it... 230, 206 & 255 an awsome effot by Curtis last Tuesday night... Welldone!

Goodluck for intercity...
Bubbye Alicia... :p
Hey Aaron

I have been talking to cairns people and yes they are staying at Mackay Motor Inn

MJ :cool:
Each town's team........

What are each towns teams anyways???

Mackay Girls Scratch-
Lauren Proctor
Melissa Dunn
Catrina Kaluci
Erin Sporn
Crystal Hadley
Helen Shephard
Rikki Tiller

Mackay Girls Handicap-
Sarah Kaluci
Katie Byrnes
Erin Sporn
Crystal Hadley
Helen Shepherd
Rikki Tiller
Catrina Kaluci

Mackay Boys Scratch-
Brendan Muscat
Justin Muscat
Steven Taylor
James Dent
Aram Hohn
Joel Aprile
Marshall ?????

Mackay Boys Handicap-
Kyle Cavanagh
Angus Sologinkin
Casey Tiller
Marshall ????
Joel Aprile
Aram Hohn
James Dent

Ok i know that the girls teams are 100% accurate, not to sure on the guys lol, i was just sorta guessing cause i dont know everyone's average, put yeah everyone post each town's team and see what competition we have going on....


Scratch Girls:
Carla Jones (cap)
Tonaea Kellock
Larissa Nastasi
Sara King
Rachael Glare
Lisa holman

Scratch Boys:
Nick Lees (cap)
Scott Bradley
Brian Thomas
Kevin Swinburn
Robert Shinn
Joel Hohn
Tyron Lawless

Girls Handicap:
Tanya Dent (cap)
Kelly Hodgson
Chris Glare
Deanna Dart
Sharmane Hembrow
Cynthia .....
Not to sure about the other 1 or even if there is 1 (sorry)! :cool:

Boys Handicap:
Curtis Foot (captain)
Jason Furze
Nathan Furze
Alan Gregory
Justin Vincent
Brendan La Cava

Goodluck to everyone down there! this year should be great!
Hey Lisa...
Sarah Morgan-Shelly in the girls handicap (well I think anyway) lol & ya also missed Chris Bell in the boys handicap...


GO CAIRNS... :) :p ;)
I would like to wish all the Currajong Junior Bowlers all the best for Intercity, remember to enjoy yourself and the scores will come. Goodluck to the BOSS, your gunna need it.

All the best to the other teams "BRING IT ON BABY" :mad: we're ready, are you? :confused:

Cazza :cool:
Cairns scratch boys will go though undefeated again no worries. All of our little handicaper's have got the fire in the belly too so i'm pickin Cairns for the handicap shield as well. Though Í'm not so sure about the Scrath girls, they're good but i think they will get as high as maybe 3rd. I dunno, we'll see how they handle the lanes first.

As for the open masters:
for the girls i'm pickin my baby girl Lisa to take it out :D you can do it baby :p
and the guys, well i pick me :cool: hehe well maybe not but it would be nice to leave juniors on a high note! and no i'm not talkin about gettin high from smokin weed either ;) nah jks ey. but seriously though, Brendan has the home advantage so he probably has the best shot. Should be good anyways man.

I dont know nothin about the restricted masters so i cant say lol oh well.

Peace out,
Hi all,having seen the way the Cairns squad have been bowling and not knowing much about the other teams competing,thumbs up for the cairns team,i reckon Cairns will bring home the goods.I do wish everyone competing all the best and good bowling.GO CAIRNS.
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