No Frilingos No Queensland.

After being told the news that George Frillingos has pulled out of the Rachuig side, Im sure ther odds have dropped down to about 1000/1, still worth maybe a place bet, but that would be it. So wats going George?, uve been talking it up for nearly 12months and now ur a no show, so wats the story??.

Mark Foster
It's with great regret I have to withdraw from the QLD team. Due to a failed leave application, I an unable to secure any days off for the National Championships. My ability to even bowl in the Australian Masters is also questionable?? It will depend if I can bowl all events all in one day.

As most people know, this is the first time I have ever put my career and my family before bowling, a decision I should have had the balls to make a lot earlier. It was either the L'Oreal way or the highway, I'm electing for my family's benefit to keep my job.

I wish QLD all the best and I'm sure Damian McAndrew will make a great contribution to the team. With Jason Walsh and Morty Douglas leading the QLD fight, don't go discarding QLD yet.
queenslands odds lenghten and tasmania's odds shorten. we are all looking forward to sydney baby.

Bring It On

George !!!!!!!!! Job ????????? Family ????????? Balls ????????? This is the first time I can ever remember,on any subject,when I am completly lost for a suitable comment. AGHHHHHHHH.
And in other late breaking news (well not really) Sam Warby has pulled out of the womens side and Kim Barry is in.
George, in answer to your two questions -----YES -----NO,in that order.

You maybe on to something here all ya gotta do is start using the correct hand to bowl with !!!!! :mrgreen: :p :wink:
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