Nick Green 300

Rowey the li'l lefty

Your daily dose of random
Congrats to Nick Green for bowling a 300 game FIRST GAME with his Ebonite Infinite One. The unfortuanate part is that it was unsanctioned, but I'm sure there'll be plenty of sanctioned 300s to come.

Nick - 1
Jon - 1

They say twins do a lot of things the same ;)


Rowey :p
Well done nick, it was a good game all shots where around the hole and all hit hard, it was just a shame i had to get beaten by 77 pins haha. Another one would be good in league on wed night if its not too much to ask :p lol.

Jon's still winning! They only count when it's for real!

Haha. Well done anyway...

Later Da Cowman!
Well done on ur perfect game Nick. I'm sure there will be plenty more to come.


P.S Hmmmm I wonder who will get the next one ;)
Last I heard (well saw...) Infinite Ones left pocket 6-7s...
Congratulations Nick! Great bowling...
Talk to you soon!

haha well done mate, i would be bowling them all the time if i bowled in a dump like belconno, how come just the 1 haha.

nah seriously well done!!!!
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