Thats not really what he is saying here (remember the article is written by someone else, marshall is just referred to in quotes from an interview).
Marshall is saying that power players are being taken out of the game, the game is much more exciting with them in it reguardless if 300's are being shot every single week and reguardless of what ball is in their hands. He is one of the few people who accept that balls and technology is here to stay, nothing is going to reverse that, but he wants more improvements placed on lane conditions and technology development here. Read the comments about sport conditions and how a lot of bowlers around today wouldnt be able to succeed in his perfect PBA (one with oil which only increases the inaccuracy of someone not being able to hit a target while maintaining revs).
What he is saying is that bowling is exciting with the big scores and the big power players going, the issue of scores dont even come into it until later in the article (and even then it is a shot at how ball technology has increased to allow anyone to rev a ball, but it has still shut out those players who learnt the craft and can really cover some boards due to lane advancements lacking behind).
What he is simply saying is that scores should not be the focus of the issue of getting bowling back into the spotlight, he is saying you need a draw card, some atmoshpere, some flare, something exciting to watch. Guys reving the ball up, sending it coast to coast and destroying the lane are exciting, not just because of the wild shots (and holy cow you dont get any wilder than smith), but because of their attitudes and the whole stigma they bring to the game.
He is dissapointed that, with the number of power players on the tour, they have simply dont have the conditions for them to bowl on. He is saying that power players have been shut out of the game with many of them resorting to weaker deliveries in order to remain competitive.
The case in point isnt scoring, it really isnt even bowling balls, he has been saying for years he wants to see lane technology increase to compensate for things and to give the power players an skill the others dont have. Things are just moving too slowly on this front.
When the power players make the telecast, when they get going, when they are pumped up it is exciting to watch, it draws more crowds, it gets more people into the sport wanting to emulate their idols, and most importantly, it brings more money into the game with major sponsorship deals.
300's are never, ever boring to watch. Very few have been telecast on national tv in the history of the PBA (which means very few occur during live matchplay), he wants the focus shifted to the personalities of the sport and get the big guys rolling it again.
And you know what? he is right, watching the thumbless (though he did throw it with thumb sometimes too, and it was just as big) cranker, mark roth throw that huge shot out, then watch it come screaming into the pocket is entertaining and it has left a lasting impression on my game.
It happens in leagues and tournaments right the way around the country at the moment, get a cranker in the house, watch them explode on the lanes and destroy anything in front of them. When they get going it is like they have the ball on a string, send it out, flick the string and watch it come back in. That is what is exciting about them, that is what the public is amazed at, not everyone can do it, and marshall feels there needs to be more of them back in the game for the PBA (and bowling) to pull itself out of this rutt it is in. He doesnt really care how it is done (balls, lanes, technology, oils, make them bowl in the dark, whatever), he just wants them back in the game and back in the game now.
Rightly so if you ask me.