Need some opinions on a tournament setup.


I can't think of a title.
I'm thinking of trying to put a NSW tour together, and need some opinions on wether I would get any interest...

The format would work this way,

Round 1: 7 games of qualifying (cut to 32)
Round 2: best of 3 elimination (winners advance to round 3)
Round 3: best of 3 elimination (Winners advance to round 4)
Round 4: best of 3 elimination (winners advance to semi-finals)
Semi Finals: single game elimination (winners advance to final)
Final: single game elimination.

ok, I know what you're all saying.... show me the money... right?

I have a rough idea for a prize fund, based on 80 bowlers, which I do not think is very difficult go get in Sydney. I haven't fully researched game rates and such, so I am only estimating at the moment but I am looking at cashing down to 32nd, with 32nd getting their money back.

here's what I am thinking...

1 $2,000
2 $1,500
3 $800
4 $800
5 $400
6 $400
7 $400
8 $400
9 $300
10 $300
11 $300
12 $300
13 $300
14 $300
15 $300
16 $300
17 $200
18 $200
19 $200
20 $200
21 $200
22 $200
23 $200
24 $200
25 $200
26 $200
27 $200
28 $200
29 $200
30 $200
31 $200
32 $200

As with this format there is no deffinate positions other that 1st and second, the losers of each round receive equal money, which is fair.

This is based in a $200 entry fee for each bowler, and would be based on having 80 bowlers turn up PER event.

Would anyone be interested? if I can get a basic idea of numbers or at least interest I will put at least one of these on in the early months of 2006.

Let me know....

Alan Shephard.
Sounds like a great idea and I'm sure something like this could generate a lot of interest as long as it's promoted well (as I'm sure it will be). A question about the best of 3 eliminations, would they be random draw or 1 plays 32, etc??

I'm sure your going to have a winner with this. Willing to give a hand where I can if needed.

Visionary Test Staff Member
It would be seeded by qualifying position, so, as you said 1 v 32 etc...

I am thinking 7 stops per year, and have a vague idea of which centres I'd like it to travel to, but I would need to talk to centres to check availability, negotiate game rate etc...

the main help I would need in the lead up would be getting people to help with the promotion at their local centres, those bowlers we know are out there but don't visit here, and generally don't look at flyers and stuff but would like to participate if asked, I'm sure every member here knows of at least 3 bowlers like that....
That format looks awesome

has a very tennis look about it with Best of 3 games.

Would be fun to bowl in
i reackon they should take tournaments back to the way it use to be 10 games qualifying top 16 make cut and 15 games matchplay with pinfall does not carry over. that in my opinion is the best way to have a tournament
Yeah, the only problem with that is it's old, and tournament bowling needs a re-birth if it is going to survive.

If I am worng about this, I will be the first one to eat my words, believe me.

by the way guys, anyone interested please email me at with your contact details and I will add you guys to my mailing list. I will send regular updates and entry forms for you.
Just wondering why would you have best of 3 game eliminations for rounds 2,3 & 4 then have only single game eliminations for the semi's and final?

I'm modelling it loosely from the PBA tournament format, and their finals work that way, I'm trying to make it as spectator friendly as possible as well, and single matches for the last two rounds will make it harder and more exciting to watch, and I also beleive it'll be more exciting for the bowlers.

It's a good way to test the adaptability of the best of the bowlers.
i no its old but it is the best way of showing how physically and mentally strong you are. with this new format you are experimenting with it is just basically the best of 3 games which is alright but when you get to the finals it is only 1 game which i no you said that its how the pba run it but. Anyone could have 1 good game. bowling isnt just a physical game. my coach tells me its 10% physical 90% mental. if you are haveing 1 game playoffs i dont reackon it proves anything
Great format, just a couple of small observations.

The difference in pay between 1st and 2nd should be slightly larger, therefore being more like the PBA, where tension is mounted.

perhaps looking at getting larger sponsors for the event, so there isnt as many bowlers just earning their money back. Perhaps the lowest bracket can earn their money back, with 2nd bracket earning some serious funds!!!

The biggest problem that bowling faces, is that there isnt enough sponsors for tournaments. Promote the exposure to the businesses, 80plus entrants, and X amount of spectators!!!

Dont just limit sponsors to just bowling orientated companies, bowlers know what companies to buy balls off, instead go for companies that can benefit from immediate exposure. ie:motels, food companies, hell even clothing stores that bowlers might visit during their stay at the tournament. That is the best way to develop long term sponsors. Get the local pub involved, as what bowler doesnt like a night out with a few drinks? maybe the local pokies venue?

Once some of the big boys start throwing funds into tournaments, the possibilities are endless. Think TELEVISION COVERAGE!!! I'd also suggest getting the local council's involved if possible, as the more advertising for the event, the more spectators that come, the more sponsors will put towards the event. Fliers in every shop window to encourage interested spectators to watch the events. Remember Money makes the world go round...

Good luck with the set-up, bowling in australia need guys like you up that way, and guys like lance (setting up the vic scene) down here; to help keep it running. Thanks!!!
Hey Ash,

Like the idea, Very SA Cup from this year.

Maybe an idea is to look at have a bye in the first round for the top 4 or so, just to ensure those that put the hard yards in during qualifying, are ensured better than entry fee back.

Like the idea, not sure about the 1 game elimantion in the final & semi final though. But l suppose you also need to look at the number of games, as these all cost money.

The interest l have has in Victoria for the events l am trying to put together has been great. Also found that majority of bowlers like the new formats, but like a variety as well, of both new and old. If you are going to run 7 events, great chance to run a variety of events. Will send through my calender as soon as finalised, so we can try not to clash, to give the chance of bowlers from both states having a go.


Lance Dyer
Really liking the feedback guys, thanks alot.

There's deffinately room to mix it up and have a number of different formats for the other stops, although it all depends on wether we can get the first one off the ground or not.

what we really need is you guys. We need bowlers to support the events, I may have been a little ambitious looking for 80 starters, so I am also working on a format for 50 entrants as well, obviously with a reduced prizefund.

Sponsorship would be great in an ideal world, but it is very tough to get event sponsors, I'm hoping that if we have a very sucessful year this year off our own back, I'll have some good numbers to take to potential sponsors for the next year, I'm hoping to grow the tour by at least 1 event per year, and am going to try and attract Major and single event sponsors, but that is a stretch goal.

All I am really focussing on at the moment is getting this one event together, seeing how much of a response I get, and if it is successful, I will go ahead and organise the rest of the tour.

So, the ball is in your court bowlers. when you see my entry form turn up int he entry forms section, show us how much you want tournament bowling back by flooding me with entries, and I'll keep putting on more events.

But it's on you guys to help make this happen. I'll need a minimum of 50 starters to make it happen. 80 would give you the prizefund payout I posted in my first post. 50 would be less, but still great value for money, at a reduced entry fee as well.
Are we talking single day Tournaments or looking at a 2 day format? Personally I think single day would have the opportunity to attract more punters as accomodation no longer becomes a factor or expense. Then again a one day event tends to limit exposure, hence the need for word of mouth from other bowlers to encourage both participation and spectators.

here's the schedule I was thinking I think the single day format is a go as well, as there is no accomodation problems, great for out-of-towners....

Squad A
8:30 am – Bowlers Check in and Lanes washed & Oiled
9:00 am – Squad A bowl 7 games qualifying (after quick briefing)

Squad B
10:30 am – Bowlers Check in and Lanes washed & Oiled
11:00 am – Squad B bowl 7 games qualifying (after quick briefing)
12:30 pm – Top 32 announced (Checkin for Top 32 begins)

1:00 pm – Round 1. Top 32 bowl best of 3 game matches (winners advance to round 2)
2:00 pm – Round 2. Top 16 bowl best of 3 game matches (winners advance to round 3)
3:00 pm – Round 3. Top 8 bowl best of 3 game matches (winners advance to Semi Finals)
4:00 pm – Semi Finals. Single game bracket elimination Match (winners advance to Final)
5:00 pm – Final. Single game elimination match.
5:30 pm – Presentations
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