nathan mcnamara bowled a 300


7 not 8 no more

congrads to my bro nathan who bowled a 300 last night in league hope to see more
Well Done Nathan.

Great to see the change. Keep up the great bowling.

Christian Purdue
hey bruzzzzyyyy....
congrats on gettin ur 300 even though ive already said it and mark told me like straight afta.. keep up the good strides and cya soon ay.. green day and good charlotte concerts 4 sure if not b4 that..
oh yeh by the way it was at Banktown..

Point 2 the mack.......!!!!!!!!!! :p :twisted: :lol:
Congrats Nat, good to see you can come up with the goods... keep it up and hopefully we'll catch up soon. Congrats again!!!

man i new u can do it now we just have to c wat ya bro can do lol
man if i was there u now wat i would do anyway congrates big man
ill catchya later
G>L>R brady
Hey congtrats Nathan....hope theres plenty more to come...
Love ya Sammy :D
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