Mt Warren


What legues are at mt warren with vacancies at the moment, preferably with bowlers averaging over 180.
Tuesday nights at 8.. Major Triples, has some names in there.... High average league.. three man teams... about 1/3 of the way through i think ??
whats the matter mate dont like mt gravatt any more now it has 39 wet boards instead of 28 8-[
Never did like mt gravatt much, i used to bowl at mt warren, anyway you have no idea what your talking about, stay out of my business.
I wouldn't get too excited hammer. It's still the same as every other day except there seems to be even less oil now!
so is that the real reason you pulled out of supercash singles. hammer you would like it at gravatt at the moment the shot is there if you are prepared to put some hand on the ball. although in saying that you never know what you will get 4 brissy cup just hope you dont draw lanes 1&2.
a person in a public forum who is entitled to an opinion and confidentiality. does it really matter who i am? :confused:
i guess not but im also entitled to privacy so grow up, and if you have a problem have the guts to say it to my face.
8-[ all i did was ask a question if you dont like the question dont reply to it. ;) remember this is a public forum and if you dont want people to reply to your posts dont post them and ask people in person. for example ring mt warren and ask them what leagues they are offering i am sure they will be happy to help you with any questions you may have.
well i wanted a bowlers opinion, anyway i apologize for taking offence i have been having a pretty bad few weeks and have been edgey. The reason i quit super cash though is because of my wrist and thats it, if i didnt have anything wrong with it i'd still be bowling.
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