most improved tassie


New Member
i know i said in an earlier post that phil ashlin was, he has improved alot but since then i would say that ben harriss has improved just that little bit more from what i have been seeing over the weeks leading up to roll offs and roll offs its self.
keep up al the good work everyone
go hard
Yeh, I have to agree with that.
A 198 average, as well as leading for the first week of Shield Roll-offs is a good start, however this is where the work really starts.
I've been impressed by the transition he has made in recent times and with further work he will only get better, Elliot Renshaw and Nathan Young were also good performers at the tournament as well, you didn't have such a great weekend Jayson but you can do it, there's still a looooong way to go in this ball-game.
I hope they all do well and in fact on that subject I think the standard of the field was quite good too.

yeh jason i agree ben has done realy well
he bowled his highest game eva i think and he has to be plzed
i would be
but im crap at bowlin sooo that will never happen
catchas at da bowl cya

my advice marsh, stick with the game you are still new to the game like all of us, u should come out of a thurs night and practice or even join the league we may have some openings in there for you. just stick with it and look for some help if you want to improve. thats my advice though i shouldnt be really giving it out, i need to learn to bowl myself lol
hey jayson!
you just told marsh not to pay himself out and then u do it!!
but my advice to everyone is listen to jayson

he has helped me out!!
ova icq that is but i used his advice and it worked!
Hey KAZZA here

If you ask me i think Stacey Dare has done really well over the last few month's Can't say much for me self lol Anyway i think alot of Tassie's have been improving alot over the last year or so
Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

out of the girls ive seen bowl resontly i would have to say that stacy dare has been the big improver......she hasnt had any real coaching and i think she has done really well to get to where she is now....

keep it up
Hey Marsh,
I agree with Jayson, don't put yourself down little fella

No one in bowling was born a good bowler - they all had to work at it, like you will if you want to achieve great things, my advice to you would be to get in and have a few games with some of the good junior bowlers in the centre and watch what they do.
While your there watch some of the adult players and see how they operate, don't watch me - or more to the point, my temper.
Set yourself a couple of attainable goals for example 150-160-170-180+ and so on and try and concentrate on making your spares - you won't believe how much your average will pick up in a short space of time following this simple piece of logic.
Personally, I use the spareshooting idea to keep me going through matches when I'm struggling until I can find a line to the pocket - and carry

Just start with the basics and work your way up from there.
Above all - enjoy the game

I hope it helps you a little.
Also too, Stacey Dare was a player I watched bowl for a little while recently and I agree with an earlier posting regarding her as player of the future.
Matty Cramond
hey its phil
well ithink my self and ben have improved well i know i have.
hey it's mel
well i think philip ashlin has improved heaps and ben harris!! well i cant say i have improved cause i havent i have gone down hill i havent had any coaching and really havent cared about my bowling but now i am willing to improve sooo look out for me on the lane cause i'm gunna start to kick arse i promise!!!
so please dont be surprised!!!

this guy is not a junior but man has he come along way, paul cooper is who i am talking about, with his impressive 14th to 6th jump in walter de veer try outs. look out everyone when this boy gets on it.
catch yas
yer....paul is a good friend of mine and he has really put in in the last season or so........i was so pumped when i heard about the news....i think i might have embarrised myself....but that doesnt matter....

well done paul
Ben, don't worry too much, I think I was the only one that saw ya go off ya nutter

As for the girls, over the past couple of months my little league partner has been improving heaps, Kara Bunting. She is only young too and has heaps of potential if she sticks with it.
Kc I seen him too but i just shrugged it off as it aint the worst thing he has done around me.


p.s. Ben i aint gonna forget!
Hey all

gee thanx Kace i do have to say i have come a long way since sheild last year yay!!!

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