Milton Open (Cancelled)



Due to a lack of numbers the Milton Open will be cancelled.
I know there is another 2 weeks to go but I have still got another 40 odd bowlers to find and thats not going to happen!
Plus I have already turned away a substancial amount of business for the week-end of the 15th and 16th.
I am sorry to the 20 bowlers who put their names down. But it appears to me that tournament bowling is dead.
Jeff Payne - Manager, Milton Tenpin Bowl.
ppls, I must admit, this is pretty sad. one of the best looking tournaments for the year... cheap entry fee, good format, good prize fund, good EVERYTHING!!, but another one bites the dust.

this is really really really REALLY sad and its beyond a joke really.
i hope business recovers for that weekend Jeff.
i also hope you will be able to re-schedule this tournament another weekend in the New Year. i have no idea why this tournament hasn't done so well.
Firstly let me thank you for going out of your way in planning to host what was to have been "one great tournament!"

Tournament participation is down almost everywhere in Australia.. The answer lies with the bowler and not the centre management. Why? Good question. I can offer an opinion as to why I think participation has curtailed.

1) Entry fees are too high due to the high number of games we bowl in our major events.

2} Bowlers just aren't as friendly to each
other as in the past so the fringe player doesn't bother entering knowing he won't have FUN!

3) Too many bowlers are struggling to make ends meet due to the weakened economy and exchange rate of the Australian dollar. Full time work is very difficult to find outside the metropolitan areas " Hell, I've been out of work since April :-( "

4) Scoring is following the lead
(to disaster)of the ABC in America. Bring back a 200 average making cuts and you'll get many of the "past" generation back.

5) At this time, more than ever before, we NEED an early schedule of events to be published on the internet and posted in every bowling centre in the land.

As for the reason Milton failed to attract a sufficiant number of bowlers...
Let's just say CHRISTMAS is right around the corner!


ps.....Re-consider staging this event next year when you can select a dead weekend!
One reason some people may not have put names down early is that Redcliffe is this weekend. A few people I know had said they would bowl Milton if they cashed at Redcliffe, otherwise they couldn't afford to. As for me - Jeff, you had to pick the weekend I'm moving house, didn't you !
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