Milkman Delivers!

Just like to conratulate a very good friend of mine, in Cameron jenkins for making the Youth FIQ Team, on the weekend, You showed that you have the shot and the ability to go as far as you want 2!!!......welldone buddy!!.And also well done to Belmo,Jez,and Jason Walsh....on also making the team, im sure you would all agree this is a team that could bring home the gold!!!

Well Done

Mark Foster
my congrats to you all, you all will do us proud, and kick some ass while your at it. good on yas bowl well
peace legend!!!

Does this mean that your performence was slightly better than your Skins game showing??
You realise you may never live that down.

No seriously, congratulations Milkie, and all the others that made the teams. Good luck and high scoring.
Mark "Austin" Foster, I think I just fell in love with you brother!!!

Thanks man, I might visit down south (way south) for a bit of a holiday sometime soon. Bring on the gay bar I say
Hey, Milkman, I'll make sure there's a drag show on at the gay bar, next time your down here!!
What an absolutely fabulous way of celebrating!!
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