Melbourne Seniors Cup


I'm still standin'
For those of you interested, the entry form has been placed on the TBA website today.........

Brief rundown:

Keon Park Bowl, 20th May 2006

1 squad only, Saturday afternoon - 10 games $180.00
Top 8 (in both men and women's division) for 7 game matchplay Sunday morning.

All other non finalists invited to compete FREE in consolation final, also Sunday morning.
Hi All
The entry form for the Senior's Melbourne Cup is on the TBA website or ATBSO web site.
The format is 10 games qualifying one squad only on saturday, cutting to the top 8 men and top 8 ladies to bowl the final sunday morning cost is $180.00.

For the bowlers that do not make the final have free entry into the consolation on sunday morning which is 8 games a prize fund for men and ladies, this is also open to bowlers 45 and over which they have pay $80.00 to bowl.
Anyone wishing to enter can either post on here or email me on

Hope all bowlers support this as there are not to many senior's events around.


Sue Raphael
Thanks but I think I'll pass.

After having a look at your prize fund, I found that the men's payout for 8 spots based on 42 entries, totals $3,950 (55.25%) of the $7,560 in entry fees. On the ladies side the payout for 8 spots based on 20 entries, is $2,805
(77.92% of the $3,600 in expected entry fees.)

Doing some quick math, that means based on 62 total entries (men and ladies combined) the total prize fund is $6,755 while the entry fees total exactly $11,150, leaving $4,395 in 732 games in lineage and expenses. Without knowing what type of payout is planned for the non-finalists, add in the extra 368 "FREE" games on Sunday to those not making the cut and you come up with 1,100 paid games @ $4.00 per game.

The "free" games are being paid for out of the men's prize fund?
What are your thoughts?

I don't believe the TBA should handing out accreditation of this tournament considering the huge percentage/ratio disparity in prize funds.
Dear WChester

Let me say that I read with interest your article about the 2006 Seniors Melbourne Cup, why you chose to write this article and not contact any member of the ATBSOV committee to check you facts which are COMPLETELY WRONG I do not know. As you have NEVER bowled in the Seniors I guess you are not old enough.

You are correct that the event is based on 62 Bowlers @ $180 = $11,600 All bowlers bowl 10 games on Saturday with the top 8 men and top 8 women bowling a matchplay final the next day total 732 Games for total prizefund $6,750

All bowlers who miss the final the have free entry into the consolation event on Sunday total prizefund $2,075 46 bowlers (62 less 16 finalists) bowl 8 games total 368 games


Total Income $11,600
Less Total prizefund $ 8,825 ($6,750 + $2,075)
Balance $ 2,775 divided by 1100 games (732 + 368) = $2.52 per game

And if you can find better value than that let me know any questions contact Stephen Bell or post you applogy

PS I have posted this once already seems to have gone missing so I hope this is not a second one
My figures are correct. If you can show me where I have lied please tell me. I can only work with what you've advertised.
I have no argument with the amount paid to the bowl for lineage or to the undisclosed (not on entry) prize fund for the non-qualifiers. My only concern, and it is a MAJOR one, is in the variance between the percentage paid back to the male finalists versus the percentage paid out to the women finalists.

Surely, based on more than twice as many men entering as the amount of ladies entries, then the men's prize fund should be 2.2 times that of the ladies, NOT the 1.4 times as posted on the entry form.

As I said previously, is it really fair that the men bear the brunt of the non-qualifiers prize fund / lineage?

What you are saying has some merit, however the women are being subsidised by the sponsors not the men. If a sponsor wants there sponsorship split evenly bewteen men and women then the women will always get a better deal as there are less bowlers.

However in this event we have tried to balance the prize money up in the consolation event in total the men get 60% and the women 40% of the total $8,825

Proportionately the split is 67% 33% so if pretty close I think, hopefully you have encouraged more women to have a go

It seems I double booked Melb Senior and K&K (on the same day), can you please remove my name from Melb Senior. Thanks.

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