lost Video's


New Member
Hi every one!
Just wondering if anyone could help me put together a video library for every one in tassie to share their tapes.
I Know there is a copy of the winning Rachuig last game and Hobart cup floating around some where? also televised aussie
events? Pro tapes? If you would like to share these or any tape
please contact me at ccommane@austar.net.au
God Bless you! :wink:
I've got quite a few of the old PBA tapes on BETA, have also got that "The Fast Lane - 30 Years of Tenpin Bowling In Australia" hosted by Dave Davis, which used to retail for $29.95 at K-Mart but I taped it off the telly so it's got the ads still in it.

Talk to you on Wednesday or Thurdsay night about it. 8)
let me know if you want my videos.

i have the old south pacific classic from 1989 where rob zikman wins against ian bradford, and carol gianotti wins against dana miller mackie. plus i havemost of the matches leading up to the final of the 2001 world ten pin masters, plus the final for the 2000 and 2001 world ten pin masters.

let me know if you want any of these.
Thanks Fella's so far I've got 1986 hobart cup, plus heap of matty's pro's and couple from Andrew. Keep em comin. :p
Hey mate, i have got a tape of when channel 2(abc) and TVT 6(win) interveiwed me 4 my 300 games if u or anyone is interested or wants to have a good laugh
I remember that interview with you on the telly Paul........I think your bro showed it to me once.
That's a nice mullet hair do mate - A Scobie-Choad Award winner if I'm not mistaken :lol:

You certainly can have a lend of that copy mate, but it is on BETA though, if you want it on VHS I can borrow it back off Jerry 8-10 there and I'll tape it back onto VHS and send you the copy to look at.
Sorry I haven't got back to you sooner I just haven't been online for a couple of weeks :wink:
TIGER,i think i found one of your pro tapes but by the looks of thier choads , it is not a bowling tape . On a more serios note,i have a copy of THE DREAMER with the legend DICK WEBER and JONNY PRETRAGLIA co-starring in it,,,,,,, :D awesome old bowling tape if i ever saw one and i aven used the potato on the thumb over night to heal my thumb cause as you know,the starch in the potato drys your thumb out and heals it at the same time .
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