Let's Roll Magazine


Misprint regarding Brunswick Twisted Fury

The Brunswick Twisted Fury was featured on page 12 of the December issue of Let's Roll.

It was listed as being available through Rebel Tenpin for the RRP of $140.00. Although Brunswick equipment is available through Rebel Tenpin it is not currently listed on our site and the price quoted in Let's Roll refers to the Ice Storm ball that I thought was going to be featured in the article.

In an email to me today from ECM (the company who produce Let's Roll) I was informed of the following misprint.

"We apologise for the editorial error that appeared in AMF’s Let’s Roll magazine. The error concerning the Twisted Fury bowling ball came about from an editorial and design change and caused the price and website to not be changed accordingly. This price and website refer to the ICE STORM BALL featured on the site at time of printing."

I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by this mistake and I have been assured by ECM that they will do their best to avoid situations like this in the future.

If you are interested in a Twisted Fury drop me an email at rebeltenpin@iinet.net.au

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