Leon Reggars bowls another 300!


300 x 3
Well my Dad has done it again! While subbing in the Wednesday Night League at Caboolture he shot his 2nd 300 in the first game on lanes 1 and 2.

Well done Dad!! You said you'd never do it again and look you did and man we are so proud of you. You really deserve it.

Im not being bias cos he's my Dad but honeslty it was great to watch it really was.

We love you heaps Dad and for that effort I suppose you can have a week off doing the dishes :)

Keep it up Champ.

Taya and Gloria :cool:
Well done Poppa,

At least someone is putting the Reggars name out there. With Brad & Taya slacking off it's been pretty dismal :rolleyes: All those times I said you're a has been are sooooo taken back YOU ARE ON FIRE!!!!

P.S. If you're looking to share the winnings I'm free to hit the shops ;)
As I said "Caboolture makes OLD people look good"
Seriously I'm really pissed that you beat me to it, but my second will be at Aspley so there'll be NO comparison ;)
You've still got some catching up old man
3 game series
Brisbane Team
etc, etc, etc
All jokes aside I am really happy for you & hope I can one day be as good as you. You are my hero & my light in the darkness and a true inspiration
I'll make a special mention of your achievement at our next CULT meeting

Your Son
The Reggae said:
As I said "Caboolture makes OLD people look good"

So that's what's wrong with me! :eek:

Well done Leon, 18 strikes in a row from game one isn't a bad effort at all. I thought you might go all the way again, but it wasn't to be. Nice series too - must have been about 770.

I'm sure number 3 isn't far away. Lets see how many Reggars I can beat on Sunday :cool:
I'm sure number 3 isn't far away. Lets see how many Reggars I can beat on Sunday :cool:[/QUOTE said:
Im guessing that will be none:confused: :)

Well done Leon, what a great achievement, you are the man.
Must be all those phone calls during the week between us the fired you up.
once again well done Mate
Hammer said:
Im guessing that will be none :confused: :)

And I'm guessing that's why I knocked Leon out of the State masters this year. But I'm only 20, I have plenty of years left yet. I have heaps of respect for Leon and I think it's fantastic that he is bowling as well as he is. Same with the rest of the family. But Taya, you know I've got your measure, and I'll be reclaiming that 2nd place next Tuesday ;)

Have fun on Sunday all.
Well done Leon, you've been on fire lately.

Better bring it on Sunday, as I'm out for a little high series revenge!

Well done young fella, congrats on the 300.=D>

LEON 2 brad speggars 1. Really hurts braddles, doesn't it. Your starting to sound like Princess Hammeriod, thats probably why the mid season slump.:rolleyes:

But Taya, you know I've got your measure, and I'll be reclaiming that 2nd place next Tuesday

Not if i'm subbing, WONDERBOY!!!!!![-X See ya tuesday, timmee me boy.

ps told u i come back to haunt u
hamster said:
Not if i'm subbing, WONDERBOY!!!!!! See ya tuesday, timmee me boy.
ps told u i come back to haunt u

Do I really have to go back and find the quote by the great Gerbil himself "Tim 1 Hamster 0"? Come on mate, it's on. And you'll be playing against Greg, what chance have you got? :) I already told Taya on Tuesday night that even if she got a sub, I wouldn't need one :D

See you on Sunday Hamster, and see you Tuesday when you come back for some more ;) :eating:
Well Done mate, awesome!

I hope those brittle, fragile old arms can hold up for 10 games on Sunday? ;)
If so your form of late will be hard to beat. Isn't that right hammer? ;)
RC said:
Well Done mate, awesome!
I hope those brittle, fragile old arms can hold up for 10 games on Sunday? ;)
If so your form of late will be hard to beat. Isn't that right hammer? ;)

Mate, Leon is shooting big numbers and will be hard to beat, especially with that Lane #1 ball, that he keeps bowling his 300"s with,

Great bowling Poppa:p As Hammer says, Lane #1 gear, so I'm not surprised with your great results champ. Just ease off on Sunday eh? ;)

Lane #1 - the secret to consistent success for serious bowlers
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