Legal Foot wear


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Last night while subbing at Milton I noticed Mr. TotalBowling - Jase practicing in a pair of thongs. When I asked him what he was doing he told me he was working on bowling in his new Dyna-Thongs.

It got me wondering would it be legal if he was to bowl league or a Tournament for that matter in his new apparel.

He clearly looked a better bowler in his thongs and I suggested that he should bowl like that more often. His ball speed and accuracy improved out of site and he was clearly throwing a lot of strikes. Not to mention he took my weekly allowance off me when he played me afterwards in the thong challenge. I was no match for this thong specialist.

Does anyone know if this would be allowed?
I am amazed the centre would allow this as their Insurance company would not be impressed.:confused: :rolleyes:

Did he have the thongs on his feet? ;)

I have seen Jase in his thongs and its not a pretty site.
Dyna thongs... winning a thong a thong skins.... dam dude... LMFAO

long as the neckagility is still crankin.... bro......... hahahaha
Not to mention I witnessed Jase beat Kate a month or so ago - he was in thongs and she was in bowling shoes.....dyno-thongs...the new force in bowling !!!!
Personally I would have thought members of this site should be setting examples of correct bowling etiquette rather than waltzing all over the appproaches in whatever they fancy.
Bet they were tops for sending ball returns into next week Tige!!:mrgreen:
LOL no when I used to work at the bowl overnights, and occasionally when the techs needed someone to roll balls down the lane in the morning if the computers weren't scoring properly, I'd grab a houseball and throw shots with it in the blunnies to help out.
Very hard souled boots which were very clean, but didn't cause you to slip and fall over like those rental-shoes did.
Would've like to have trialled a pair with proper bowling shoe slides on them, quite comfortable and good for a jarred ankle.
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