League of ordinary gentlemen



Has any body else seen this yet. I know it's American and is not out yet but I saw it on a mates computer and it is brillient. Best bit is the showdown between Pete Weber and Walter Ray Williams jr. If possible I urge those of you that have not seen it to find a way to see it and if any one finds a good quility copy showing on a website or a place in QLD selling copies please let me know

Sweet thanks man i ask the shops and cross my fingers

Cheers man
Looks really good. I ordered a copy through Amazon.com. $25 odd delivered to the door.

When i have a look will let you know what its like

I ordered my copy through Amazon.
It arrived about a week ago.

Great Movie/Documentary

I highly recommend every serious bowler have a look at this movie if they get the chance. Well worth a look. It shows the ups and downs of professional bowling, and also shows why bowling is on the decline and how some are trying to revive it.

Hi Frosty
Great movie doco...I real behind the scenes look at the PBA. Its a lonely walk through that carpark.
See I told you..dont worry if you go bowl the tour and dont make money...Wayne Webb is looking for a partner...Think of all those good looking woman he had there to pick up!
Hey I never thought of that:D
What a great Doubles pair, if we don't win who cares we can belt out some tunes in the bar after.
And dont worry we would share all the ladies with you;)
Thanks for the Advice

Base on this thread I bought a copy on Amazon, can't wait to watch it... :flasings:
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