League Constitutions

I'm wondering have accessibly are League Constitutions
Are they copyrighted in any way or privileged information

If one wanted to start a new league can the constituting be obtained from another centre to used as a guide

I'M also looking for some guidelines to forming and starting a new league
League constitutions should be given to all bowlers/teams at the comencement of a season, the presedent/secretary of the league should keep a copy handy incase bowlers misplace their own copy, i dare say the bowling centre would have a copy floating around, they arent privilaged or confidential unless they contain bowler details (ie. addresses/phone numbers).

Most league constitutions are roughly based on the "suggested league rules" section of the tba manual, if you have a look at that it should give you some ideas on how you want a league to be structured

hope it makes sense,
Hi Nev25

You can find a sample league constitution in the TBA Rule Book - Chapter 9 - Just go to the Website under Rules and Regulations.

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