Lane Arrows



Hey Guys :)

I was wondering for your strike ball, what arrow do you bowl over?

I bowl over the second arrow ...

Everyone bowls different but its interesting to know

Thanks Guys :cool:
It depends on the lane condition as to what arrow I start on but I always start by bowling a shot standing on 28 board and bowling over 3rd arrow.

I only use the arrows as a guide...Im not always going to be able to throw over an arrow at every centre I go normal shot would be bout 9 board.
I usually shoot about 7-8 board so my ball drifts out to 4-5 board for the strike.
If I have to, I can play anywhere from 6th arrow (lofting the gutter) to playing outside 1st arrow. I can hit 3 board pretty consistantly, but outside that, I try to avoid.
ive always been a 10 board and outside shooter

however i understand thats where most people bowl so im now try all different lines in practise and have had huge success shooting just left of 15 board standing on 24 or 25.

I can shoot 5 board but it doesnt leave much room for error so i avoid it unless i have too.
First ball that I always put down is a half paced shot over 4th arrow. This is where I generally start my shot, and move in or out from there.

As a general rule, longer patterns play inside, shorter patterns play outside.
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