Kirwan Ten Pin Bowl (Thanks from the NQ jnr Team)


New Member
I behalf of North Queensland team travelling to Canberra, I would like to say a big thanks to Robbie and all the staff from the kirwan lanes.
Thanks to all the techs for laying out lane conditions for us on a camps and to the counter staff and Robbie for waking up early especially for us to open the bowl

Cheers Robbie thanks
Your a champion
Yeah well said Scotty, Thanks Robbie and to the staff! You deserved many thanks...! ;-)

Cya Alicia...
No worries guys, and everyone here at Kirwan would like to wish you all the very best for the Nationals and Presidents Shield. There is some great talent up here in NQ, so have some faith in yourself and go get them!.

Good Luck Everyone!

Robbie & all the Kirwan Team.
Hey thanks Robbie and the staff at Kirwan camps were great! keep up the good work
Thanks again
:D Lisa! (cairns)
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