Kedron AMF - Best team result


Active Member
Wow is all I can say. Thank you Brendan, Adam and Shane.
I have just been part of the best team bowling I have ever participated in, bowled @ Kedron AMF. Lanes are set up fantastic each week thus giving good scores.
4 person teams on Thursday nights, 7pm, great league to join folks!!!
Please note that I am bowler 3

Game 1 - 181, 221, 235, 236.
Game 2 - 190, 240, 247, 242.
Game 3 - 247, 268, 228, 268.
Scratch total - 2803.

Got to be happy with that guys, thanks again.

No probs Shayne and we will click as a team I hope soon. I looked up the records on TBA and it underpins the fact of me being excited about the series. In 2006, 4 person team x 3 game series was 2811...only 8 pins more than us. Yes 8 pins but I am thinking it is a state record though.

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