Juniors and Youth at AO



Congratulations to all the Junior and Youth bowlers who made the cut in the Australian Open, Matthew O'Brien, Michael Zentveld, Jason Belmonte & Brandon Quali(however u spell it!)cheski. (sorry!)
The conditions were pretty tough and they did extremely well!
Especially Matty, ur a champ!!!
Yeah congrats to all the Junior/Youth bowlers that made the cut in the AO. You all bowled well.

I would also like to especially congatulate Jason Belmonte on finishing 2nd and also making the Austrlian Mens FIQ team
Well done dude, you're THE champion

Luv Lauren xxx
yeah well done to the youth and jnrs that bowled and to those who made the cut..
it was tuff...but i really liked the condition.u had to be pretty much on the money everyshot, with accuracy and speed.
and yeah well done to belmo ur way to bowl...
two 2nds in two super sixs.
brando....way to come back after just scrapping into the cut.
matt riley..wat can i say...one game ur in the next game ur out...it was touch and go but ya made it and bowled well.good job.
and to matto, good job man well bowled pretty consistant.
well thats enough said from me...
and i hope to see more jnr and youth up there in the cuts in the near future.
catch ya's all lata.
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