Junior Youth Circuit - Barossa

Dion A

New Member
The next round of the circuit is at Barossa Bowl this Sunday 10th October. Check-in is at 9.30 am so its outta bed early!! Hope to see you all down there and hope none of ur baggage gets stolen by old ladys or ur wisdom teeth dont start hurting!! Hope to see you all down there,

Dion Alexander
for SAJYC Committee
Stop being such a sissy!

It's only a wisdom tooth.

Try having a full jaw reconstruction, have your top jaw split apart day by day untill you've got a nice 1.2cm gap... Aswell as having 4 wisdom teeth, and 1 moler removed.


GL with the Wisdom tooth Brad :)

he he i know ben
but the good thing about the sore teeth is the pain killers!!!

its all good, the antibiotics are working, lets hope i dont need to have them out cos then i wont be able to talk for a while... HA HA HA
hehe, you'd be dead if you couldn't talk.

Sorta reminds me of..... me!
oh bunch of cry babys, haha. havent broke a bone in my body. (btw im touching wood) yea anyway looks like a early wake up for us that r making the trip, lookin forward to the nice trip in da morning. (not really) get my new BEAST out. (if u have seen it u know what i mean) hahaha

Anyway hope to se yas up there!!

BT said:
hey ash, if it was anything like last nite, have nothing to worry about :p :p :p

lol yea, what kind of drug was he on?? he needs to get over it. no mental game at all
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