Junior Masters Live ?


Staff member
Hi guys - just wondering what the juniors think about having the Australian Junior Masters being done live on TotalBowling - with video and photos ??? Lemme know what you think ...
I think this is a great idea.

Lives scores for shield would be excellent as well, especially for the interstate parents that cant watch their kids bowl shield but have access to the internet.

I support you 100% on this idea.

Hey Graham

Great idea i think a lot of people would apreciate it because saom juniors can;t get ot the nationals they would like updates not olny for the master but Shield aswell

anyways just somethine to think about
What Can I say,Graham you did a wonderful job on your presention of the Junior Masters Finals live.
For those who don't know Graham,He actually works very hard to produce/collate the information for u all, Well Done..

p.s Hope i didn't give u the flu
you done a great job Graham like all of the other live scores you have done.it would be good to see Presidents Shield as well.Anyway great job hope to see many more catch ya later
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