Junior Gold Coast Masters


Hey -

Just wanted to say congratulations to the people who placed in the closed masters - especially Matty (love the llama, olive juice!), Derek (YOU'RE a 2nd place, no, you are!) and Kimmy (Kimmy, look at me ploise).

The results were:

1st Matt Simpson...........1st Kim Haining
2nd Derek Adams...........2nd Kim Johnston
3rd Trent Bourke.............3rd Krystal King

Well done guys (You owe me, Matty!)

I just wanted to say congrats to all, especially krystal! Even tho she only came third :silly: Nah good job dude you have style lol


GO KRYSTAL WOOT WOOT !! Hehehe .. Luff You Dude :lol: Remember .. [1014] And Counting .. Jeeeeeealous? :p
Congrats to matty and krystal(twin!!!) you guys are awesum...see ya's soon..hopefully!

luv tiffany-jade
THANKS GURLS YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!! hehe congrats to matty and kimmy they no they bowled well hehe seeya all \:D/
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