Joondalup Youth Cup - Improvements


The Brow
Hi Everyone

Im looking into the tournament for next year, so for those who bowled this year (or even those who came and watched), can you please give me some feedback on what you thought was good, what you thought was bad, and any improvements that could be made.

Suggestions that have come in so far are:

For qualifying, run the lanes the same as the sprint (one pair short, next pair long, next pair short etc.)

Please feel free to add any comments to this thread so we can make the event bigger and better for next year.


for the bowlers who make the first match of step ladder, allow 5-10 minutes practice instead 2 shots on each lane because after an hour and a half didnt quite help the warmup
5 mins warm for the first step ladder match. Oil Pattern in the 6 Game Sprint Put the Short Pattern down on all the short pattern pairs then Switch to the Long Oil. Both patterns played very different to the first day.

Sprint 1 lane Long 1 Lane Short or maybe that for the Step Ladder

I think you could run qualifying like that and then you can bowl all 12 games in 1 apperance
Hi Matt..!!

I think the tournament was great! I think you should leave qualifying as is. Because thats what made the sprint even better!

But I agree with both comments above. Even though I got warm up lanes, I think you should allow the first step ladder match to have 5mins warm up instead of having 2 balls on each lane.

I also think that if you are going to go 1 pair short, 1 pair long, 1 pair short etc that all the short lanes need to be done first and then all the long lanes. We know that is the only way to get the consistancy of the pattern down.

Also possibly getting our money at the end of the tournament instead of a letter saying we will get a cheque in the mail :p

I think it was a great tournament and the format should stay the same! I know I will definitely be back next year!

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