John Rollins 300


Staff member
Congratulations to John Rollins for shooting 300 this morning during the New Zealand No-Tap final at Moonah

Being that it is a legitimate 300 in an AMF ran tournament, does that mean he will receive the $100 bonus from AMF that he deserves, even though it was in a no tap tournament?

My opinion... YES!
Great effort from Big JR.
Couldn't believe it when he rang me this arvo and told me :D

Was the tournament officially sanctioned? Would've been wouldn't it? Yes/No??
I'm not up with the rules of no-tap tournaments in regard to real 300's, but I would think he should get something for it, shouldn't he?

It might up end an orphan 300 like Aaron's one in that ATBSO v Moonah All Stars thing a few years ago.
Either way, great game and nice to see. :)
Well done John pitty it was in a no tap but at least you know you have bowled one, many havent. Good work mate :D
congrats go to my mate john, well done mate, im sorry i wasnt there to see it but hey think of it this way you beat me to it ;) (its nott hat hard lol).
congrats mate im proud of ya and so is the family. well done
top shite

awesome effort mate,you must have been shiteing yourself,i know i was when i shot mine,well done anyways from paul :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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