Jess Garioch beats David Farky!!


New Member
jess garioch has done the unthinkable!!

she has just beat david 2-1 tonight at mildura with a whopping 619 series!

jess' 234 219 170 to davids 163 191 198

haha sorry dave had to put it up =)
She didnt just beat him, she kicked his ass.

Personally, I think he just choked bowling against the reigning Aust Junior Masters champ.
It was very nice of you to pay up on the bet halfway through the second game too Dave. I am sure Jess enjoyed that Time Out bar.

Pretty bad when you know you are beaten that soon in a 3-game series.
haha it wasnt that i spiked your drink dave! it was that u bought that cc and dry to go with my time out and practically sculled it...and the next few to come!!

rematch sounds good!
hahah i so gave him that last game!!! geez

hissy fit?? what fissy fit! ha! i dont know what you are talking about!

it was an act i swear =)
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