Jen Jones 300!!!



congratulations to jen jones who bowled her first 300 game on lanes 7 & 8 at illawarra strikezone during legends league and i think there is much more to come and many more 300's. Good on ya jen
Well done Jen that's just awesome!!! I'm so happy and proud to see you shoot a 300, and an awesome 300 at that!!!! I guess the change to 15lb is a successful one so far hey...

Go Jen Go!!

And to Scotty, thats two against you now, I feel for ya! hahaha

Yeah i know hey, see the way i put it is that im so special to have 2 300's bowled against me
hey jen
You Go Girl
i cant wait till i bowl r 300 soon
so can yuo do it again?
sarrah ballard
Well Done Jen. Unfornatually I missed it, but It was with my old ball so I was there in spirit for ya! haha. Congratualtions, now do it on Thursday!!!!!

Later Da Cowman!
Well done Jen... about bloody time to.... :p...... haha well done... now no more at shield


Wel Done again

congrats sweetie.............its bout time im so proud of ya now its my turn (mayb i should get a one of ur old balls some of the luck mite rub off hehe) talk soon and take care
Jen...HOW AWESOME! I'm really glad that you've finally got 300, and I know, especially from watching tonight, that there is a truckload more to be bowled. Never looked like missing as soon as it hit the head pin...also great to see ANOTHER 700 from you :D Finally beat the 680 series burden, and the front 10 burden. You'll have to shoot one just for Cow in Brunsick tomorrow night...hehehe. Poor Scotty, he's had 2 300's shot at him in Legends, now. I got the first hug like I said I would :D Enjoy that 500 bucks hehe, and try and save at least one for Shield :D


Rowey :p
Well Done JEN, ure a champ.
Thats why i luv yah so
Wish i was there to see it,
Hope mine comes

Luv Always,
Well Done Jen Glad to hear u got one at last hope there is more to come and maybe one at shield but not against the VIC'S and talk to u soon.
Chris C
Congrats Jen, really happy for you, from the first day you walked into the old Shellharbour Bowl and joined a junior league you could tell that you wanted to be one of the good ones, always wanting to practice, to learn.

You have put the work in and bowling a 300 is great recognition of that effort, I know that you want to take your game to the highest level, so keep working girl, I know that you and many other of the Strikezone juniors have a lot to offer this sport over the coming years.

Well done again, hope to see you all soon
Andrew Frawley
Congrats Jen, well done. Your hard work is rewarded. Was a storm ball wasn't it?

Dennis Rigney
JEN UR A CHAMPION!!!!! glad to see you finally got your 300 :D congratulation! everyones so proud of you!! now dont do that at shield :p only kiddin!!!! good on ya kiddo!!!

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