Jason Belmonte PBA, Miller High Life Masters Results


Is the Force with you?
Jason Belmonte is currently sitting 28th of the 432 field in the PBA Miller High Life Masters, after day 1.After day 2 25% of the field will move onto the 2nd round of qualifying.
Lets all wish Jason all the best in this tournament
come on belmo!!!! show them just what the aussies have got bro, kill it man!

best of luck
the griggs family
Just looked at the site. Belmo is at =39th position. The Top 25% of the field goes through a previously stated. Which means Belmo is safe. Because there is 576 bowlers. Unbelieveable! Well done to Belmo for giving it a go, and performing at such a high level. Keep it up!

Later Da Cowman!
I just went and saw Belmo in 51st. They must've completed al the squads when you last checked. Its still an unbelieveable performance. Now just watch those Storm boys jump up to the top... hopefully!

Later Da Cowman!
he is 54th after a, b, and c squads. so there is still D squad to go.

but they are still in the first qualifying. qualifying stwp one has round 1 and 2. so Belmo is still well in the cut to top 25%. so he is looking ok so far.

But keep the good work going belmo
well after round 3 , Jason Belmonte finished 92 on a pinfall of 3,055 after 15 games (203.6) he made $1000 for his place

Well done Jason on such a great achievement.
:p :p :p
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