Jake O - 279 @ Mt Warren


Active Member
Jake has set another pb - 184,279,169, (ball change) and finished with a 214. Great bowling mate, keep it going. The hard work you are putting in is slowly paying off. Also became a member of the 100 club too!!! Had to throw that in buddy!!! Very proud mate.

Jake bowled the 279 with his Natural - Mr. Meads what can I say - great advice for Jake and thank you also!!!

Mum & Dad
By the time i get back youll be belting me every week Jake, hope theres still a spot for me in a few months :p
Well done Jake, welcome to the 100 club. Most of us are in there too ;)

Wh-wh-what?? ... oh, oops. sorry!

The thread is about a pb!!! Great game too mate! :p :D ;)
great 279 game jake that 300 is looking real threating keep up the practice mate, im glad i could help u out.

keep up the good scoring.
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