It's Unbelievable

The Reggae

New Member
HUGE Congratulations to Ronnie Conquest for bowling a 300 tonight (20/10/05) at Aspley!!!

Well done mate "another member in the lucky shirt club"
Quote last night: the Hamster:- "Tim we need you to work Thursday night we need some high scores".

Well I can't claim this one I wasn't there :eek: but huge congratulations to Ronnie for the 300, awesome achievement. Good to see you keeping those thumbs out of the way so well ;)
Congrats ronnie you deserve it no thumb b$#$ard

Couldnt happen to a better bloke
Congratulations Mate... must have been all the De Veer Training sessions.

All the boys think its great and send their best.

Congratulations to fellow team mate Ronnie aka(DB1, two Fingers) on this great achievement. Mate i was there to see it, every shot was awesome, its one to be proud off.

P.S Mate you dont need to spare when get all those strikes in a row do ya mate.
Congratulations to my team mate Ronnie Conquest on his first ever PERFECT GAME at Aspley tonight on lanes 3 and 4. He also bowled his highest series of 773.
He bowled that with SILVER BULLET from Lane#1.
Mate i dont know what else to say except what happen to riding the last shot 10 lanes. Little patty will be disappointed and you might of got THAT handshake.
Still feeling left out , HAMMER.:rolleyes:
Well it’s not April 1st so i am guessing this is a news flash!

Congrats Ronnie on your first 300 game!
Good feeling knowing you didn’t need to make a spare i bet
WOW well done mate as they say training makes perfect & you must have been doinga fair bit of it. Go Lane1. Well done mate.
MY HERO !!! Ronnie, what wonderful news to wake up to this morning - better than bird flu ............. CONGRATULATIONS and ENJOY !!! Glad I have not thrown away my ear plugs ...........

Well done Ronnie. Must have been the new brand of talcum powder on the thumb, eh? About time you pulled your thumb out;)

Cheers champ


Well done buddy! You honestly deserve it.

Every shot I saw was right into the pocket, It was awesome to watch it really was.

Keep up the good work Ronnie. You tha CHAMP!!

Taya Reggars
RONNIE MATE, nice work, who would have thought bowling with ur thumb some where other than ur ball could work :p just kidding, great game! I knew u always had one coming, it was just a matter of time, and now u've got ur first, im sure there will be lots to come
Hamish (your metro friend)
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