ITS Carnival @ Ashmore


Finally retired yippi
Today was the closing of the ITS carnival taken out by home state Queensland.

2nd - Tas
3rd - S.A.
4th - Vic

great tournament bowled well by all. Also a milestone for paul tindall for shooting a very nice 300 as many already know. a further congrats to shaun patford (tasmania) for taking out the De'Angelo perpetual with a 227.25 average for the 12 games (203.25 scr) and also winning today's grudge match with great scratch scores of 236,211,237,277,205,217 for a 230.5 scr average for the 6 games (254.5 hcap)

Would like to wish best of luck to Colin Rowe as this year was his last in the tourers as he moves onto better things (rest and recreation). have fun travelling scorer =)

would like to thank all involved and hope to see you all next year in melbourne, would love to see old betty back in the game and hope all is well for road of recovery.

lefty g
tassie to win next year :D:D
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