Is this True? 2 Brisbane Teams?



After recently attending the Brisbane Area Championships with my daughter, I over heard a few "BIG" name bowlers talking about Rockhampton. And if my ears hear me correct heard a certain boy (aged out this year) ask a girl if they were trying out for Brisbane Team. And her response being, "I thought I was already in the team."

Taking no notice at that stage thought nothing of it, until driving home and my daughter who in deed has made the Gold Coast team on numerous years remarked how Chermside were sending up their own team as well as Brisbane.

To my knowledge and correct me if I am wrong I do believe that the rules state that there may only be one (1) team per association. Now unless Chermside is its own affiliated association how are they too compete under the rules and regulations of the tournament.

So does that mean Gold Coast are allowed to take two teams up because I am sure that there are 14 youngters down here that would love and cherish the opportunity to represent their city in such a prestigous tournament as Rockhampton is. For some bowlers this would be the biggest tournament that they will bowl in.

Just a thought

Gold Coast

Well, the notion of Chermside taking a team up is correct.

However there is only one and i mean one BRISBANE team going to Rockhampton to compete. This was the team that was named last weekend at the closure of the Brisbane Area Championships.

Rockhampton Junior Shield used to be a stepping stone for other major events like President's Shield. But now it seems as though who ever wants to go can put a team together from a street in a suburb in a city.

This Chermside team has come about due to unhappy people in the bowling fraternity because they could not get their way. It is starting to have a bad effect on junior bowling.

It's fine to compete but not when it comes down to sledging and causing rifts between bowlers.

My views above have nothing to do with the Chermside centre itself or the management thereof.

Kim Barry.
Questionable said:
To my knowledge and correct me if I am wrong I do believe that the rules state that there may only be one (1) team per association. Now unless Chermside is its own affiliated association how are they too compete under the rules and regulations of the tournament.

Well it is my understanding that almost every centre that is sanctioned by TBA is it's own association - so in Brisbane there could be a Greenslopes association, Kedron Association etc etc. So in reality that could mean that almost every centre could send a team. So Chermside are quite within their rights to send a team. Im sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.
Bowling needs a change....

Sledging and rift between bowlers has been there for years, as i have said in previous posts "bowling without the gossip and love to see that"
Thanks Kim and Grahame for clearing that up...

However, now that I do know that there is 2 teams going up from the district of Brisbane, I still feel that it is unneccessary for this too happen.

I am interpretating that this Chermside team come from a FEW unhappy parents, from the amount of bitchiness that goes on in Brisbane and Gold Coast I could probably name a few people that would have a big influence on this Chermside team as in the past these parents have not got their daughter or son in shield or have grievenceses with a certain coach/manager.

Well thats my two cents worth & for the record I do not have a problem with the teams going up but when a team is created out of spitefulness etc. it leaves a lot to be desired both on the parents side alot. The parents should feel rather guilty knowing that they are only sending a team out of spitefulness.

If they are unhappy about a coach/manager raise it with the association, the only thing creating a new team does is gives an extra match up in Rockhampton.

I feel sorry for the kids involved in this coheval.

Sara :oops:
Sequence of events Chermside Rep Team for Rockhampton Shield.

Meeting 30th July 2002 present: Nell Weir, Joan Hackles, Chris Smith, John
Coupland, June Wallace, Sue Gower, SQJTBC meeting with Brisbane Area
Committee at Chermside Hyperbowl. At end of official meeting Chris Smith
asked Brisbane area members "are you sending a team to rocky shield", June
Wallace "NO I am not going to rocky again I have family commitments definitely not going", Sue Gower "NO I am not going", Nell Weir "no I believe we could send a team to New Zealand for the same price we are sick of the heat".

John Coupland & I told our sons that it appeared that Brisbane was not going to Rocky. Why not send our own team was the cry we have too much fun in Rocky not to go?

John and I as members of the SQJTBC believe that these tournaments should
have as many teams as possible so juniors can experience the wonders of bowling in 40 heat on little oil but more importantly have fun doing it. We also believe this tournament is addictive for many bowlers and will keep bowlers in the sport for longer by attending.

The planning commences.

Meeting 18th August 2002 at Kedron Bowl : Present Nell Weir, John Coupland, Chris Smith, Joan Hackles, June Wallace, Sue Gower, Sid Steel T.B.A.Q.Board member. At the conclusion of the meeting we advised the Brisbane Area Committee we were sending a Team to rocky representing CHERMSIDE not BRISBANE. Nell Weir advised that a decision had still not been made re the Brisbane Team.

Meeting 23rd October Present: Nell Weir, Chris Smith, John Coupland. At
conclusion of meeting. General discussion re Chermside team Questions from
Nell. Where is the team staying?, how are you getting there?, How much is each member paying? all questions answered. Nell wished the team well.

If other comments are being made by any of the above one would question why.

We have been open and honest with the whole process including on the 18th November 2002 ringing John McKenna and suggesting we would withdraw the Team due to the team becoming public property on a national forum by the likes of K.Barry and Questionable. His reply was under no circumstances should we withdraw along with unprintable comments.

It truly is a shame that this forum is constantly used by the likes of K. Barry and others who wish to deny 12 Juniors the opportunity to bowl in a Junior
Tournamnet and to cause as much hurt without having or obtaining a grain of knowledge to support their accusations.

If this was a true sporting body Elite sports people would be fined , suspended our expelled from the sport for bringing the sport into disrepute.
If there is anything to learn from the previous posts get your facts right before commenting.

Check the Gold Coast team on post dated 13/10/2002 under heading 2003
Queensland Junior Shield there is no mention of anyone by the name of Fisher. Is Saraleefisher just another Nobody trying to destroy the reputation of selective Administrators of South Queensland Junior Bowling.

If you are genuine and there are 14 extra bowlers who want to bowl Rocky
discuss this with the officials at the Gold Coast and if OK contact the
Tournament Director John McKenna just as we did, who knows what may

Regards Chris Smith :D :) :( :eek: :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :p :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink:
Name the Chermside Team

Hi Chris Smith

Isnt bowling great fun!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just wondering if you could please list the bowlers that will be competing on behalf on the Chermside Bowl in Rocky. I dont think i have seen a list yet.

Also wondering was there a roll off for the team or nomination forms handed out to bowlers. (Including bowlers from other centres)

Just trying get some more facts.

Dont get me wrong. But of course John McKenna wont knock back any team wishing to travel and bowl in Rocky as it is one of the centres major revenue events.


Andrew C
Andrew the following are the answers to your questions regarding the Chermside
Rep Team.

Q.1 The team

Boys Bowls at Girls Bowls at

Matt Smith (Chermside) Christina Campbell (Chermside)
Ben Coupland (Chermside) Tamika Riseley (Chermside)
Toby Petrie (Chermside) Charmaine Risley (Chermside)
Wayne Perry (Chermside) Hayli Mazzoni (NSW) ****
Ian Phelan (Chermside) Hayley Donnerley (Toowoomba)
Joel Marshall (Chermside) Amanda Monteith (Toowoomba)

Some kids bowl at other centers as well.

Hayli Mazzoni is moving to Brisbane and has already sanctioned at
Chermside and will be bowling in the Tuesday Night Youth League at
Chermside next year.(league starts prior to rocky)

The two girls from Toowoomba have been drafted due to Toowoomba not
competing in the Rocky Shield. I spoke to Charles Patterson (Toowoomba) to
make sure Toowoomba were not attending.

Question 2.

Prior to finalizing the teams and inviting the girls from outside Chermside we
requested Jon King from Chermside (one of the true gentlemen of bowling)
to go through all Junior Bowlers bowling at Chermside at ask if anyone was
interested in attending the tournament. If there were sufficient bowlers we
would have conducted a roll off of bowlers from Chermside. We almost had
one other girl but she elected to go on holidays in Sydney instead.

The reason for not having a general roll-off including other centres is you are
only allowed two drafts under the rules of the tournament and also if Brisbane
decided to send a team (which they did) this would have been totally
unacceptable to them and us.

Lets not forget, having the Chermside team involved has not stopped a
Brisbane Team from attending we have added 12 bowlers to the tournament.

With reference to the previous posts from K.Barry and Questionable regarding
the reasons for the team being formed this I believe is directed at Myself.

Since John Coupland and I have been on the Junior Committtee we have gone
from a committee that met once a year to a committee that has done the

Rules that govern all facets of the committee.
Rules that govern all facets of the South Queensland Presidents Shield
Obtaining a $5500 cash sponsorship for the South Queensland Junior State
Championships 2003. The Juniors will be bowling for approx. 20% more
prisemoney at a 30% discount.
Currently in discussions with a Private Company to Sponsor the Open Boys
and Girls Masters at the Championships to allow a guaranteed large cash prize
Cash sponsors for the South Queensland Shield Team.

For the last two years I personally have organized a cash sponsorship for the
Mary Flower Twin Tour . Why? Because Mary is progressing the sport and
believes bums on seats is what bowling needs.

People ask why bowling is failing? If anyone new tries to advance the sport
but do not fit in with the bowling "click"you are constantly shafted by the "in"

There will be no further posts from me regarding the Chermside Team lets get
on will promoting the sport instead of finding avenues to stop bowlers from

My email address is if you wish to ask any
questions. I will answer any email sent.


Chris Smith :D :) :( :eek: :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :p :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink:
Chris, if you thought that it was directed personally to you then that is your problem.

I have had my say and now you are having yours. That was my view (as i wrote). And uve told what was happening. If readers interpret what i say differently then so be it, im not God i can't tell them what to think.

Lord help me if people don't like what other people say.

It's great that you did what you did for South Queensland juniors.
I think the Chermside team looks pretty strong! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Mr Smith
Its a pity you don't heed your own words. Regards getting the facts straight.
You say you spoke to one particular person regarding a Toowoomba team competing in Rockhampton.
That would be fine if that one person represented BOTH Toowoomba bowling centres. That however, is not the case.
The junior team from Garden City Lanes in Toowoomba may or may not be attending the Junior Shield.
If you had bothered to check with representatives of both centres you may have discovered the answer to this question!!!!!!

Barry Fagg
Toowoomba and Darling Downs Tenpin Bowling Assoc.
High horse?????
Maybe some people on this forum need to have the guts to put their name to their snivelling little posts.

I believe this issue has now been resolved.

Garden City Lanes and the T&DDTBA wish the Toowoomba bowlers competing for Chermside the very best, as well as all bowlers competing in the event in Rockhampton. Do your best and have a great tournament.

Barry Fagg
Hey everyone this post isn't a post towards or against anyone or any team.

Just wondering as this has been an issue in the past but what happens when Brisbane and Chermside come up against each other. The reason I ask this is that I thought the rules were unless you were sanctioned some where else if you were to come up against your own association you were not able to bowl against them
For example Kristina wouldnt be able to bowl against Brisbane. (sorry dude just using your name as an example)

If this is still the case does that mean the Chermside are unable to bowl against Brisbane or vice versa????
If the rules are what I am led to believe do you think there will be an exemption made so that the two teams are able to compete equally in the tournament. (Which should be the case)

Just food for thought.....

Good Luck to all teams going in January have a blast and keep cool

The Rocky shield has come and gone without any major disasters due the participation of the Chermside Junior Rep Team. Those who are interested in what happened read on.
The team was made to feel welcome by most if not all participating teams/managers. The Rocky Association was most helpful with all aspects required by a new inexperienced management Team. At no stage did we feel pressured by our lack of local knowledge, for this we thank John Mckenna and the Rocky Association.
For the local/area associations that do not participate in this event for what ever reason, there is no better event for junior bowlers to go to. The atmosphere is similar to representing your state at the Nationals. Dont get me wrong this event is not as important as the nationals but if you want bowlers to experience the State rep feeling you should have your juniors there.
Just to give an example one the Chermside team bowlers has never bowled in a Tournament before. He now has his name down the bowl in a team event at Ashmore and is going to roll off for the State Team. This is why I believe the more bowlers that bowl the Rocky Shield the better.
The rules for sending teams are currently being changed to encourage more bowlers to participate. Give John Mckenna a ring at Rocky Bowl 49271555 to get the latest info.
For any new associations thinking of sending a team next year start fundraising now and you will get a team there free.
I can be contacted on E:Mail for any of the pitfalls for inexperienced Teams & Managers.
Keep the negative replies regarding the lane conditions/heat etc at Rocky to yourself we all know that all the other Tournaments around Australia are bowled on perfect conditions.

Chris Smith
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