Ipswich Superbowl Looking Good!


Susy wants me Banned
I don't know if anyone else has seen it yet, but it seems that the management at Ipswich Superbowl is looking to the future!

They have just got the lanes resurfaced and are using a Kegel machine with Prodigy oil. The centre looks and plays great.
Good onya Ipswich for outlaying the money to make your centre better for the bowlers. (Wish it was closer, i would love to bowl a league there!)

I also here they are running a decent tournament there at the end of this month! If i can find out more about it i will post it on here and get an entry form online for them. Should be a good way for everyone to test out the new lanes!
I drop into Ipswich Superbowl periodically and have a look. I must say the place is looking quite good. The staff have always been very very helpful in answering my questions and things like that. I am yet to actually bowl there but I plan to fairly soon to try out the lanes. They look good and I have been shown all of it close up so I am looking forward to it.
Make sure you let us know ronnie if they run anything, I'd be keen along with a few others to bowl at the NEW Ipswich Bowl.
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