
Don't forget that the Ipswich Open Cup is on September 25th/26th. This is a great value tournament at $80 for 10 games. 90%/220 H'cap (maximum of 70 h'cap per game) will be used so even the over 200 average bowlers can participate and not be on a negative handicap.

Based on 60 bowlers, we have $700 going to first place, $500 for 2nd, and $350 for 3rd - paying down to 20th place at $80.

Hope you all can come along and have a bit of fun - great lanes which are maintained with a KEGEL, good food and friendly staff will make the trip worth your while. Call the centre today on 3282 4600 to put your name down! Full tournament details can be downloaded off the tournament entry section.

Below are the squad listings as at 16th September:

Squad A
Sat. 25th September
Check-in: 1.00pm
Bowl: 1.30pm

11 entries so far:
Brink Taylor
Jim Ferguson
Jeff Brigg
Dave Hardy
Mark Robinson
Ron Hall
Gavin Crouch
Wayne Crouch
Alice Margiolas
Karen Tadd
Philomena Hurst

Squad B - Sun. 26th September
Check-in: 8.30am
Bowl: 9.00am

11 entries so far:
Duncan Messenger
Dino Margiolas
John Whillans
Alan McKay
Kevin Sullivan
Reg Reichel
Tim Reichel
Paul Cherwin
Ronnie Conquest
Tom Cupit
David Cupit

Squad C - Sun. 26th September
Check-in: 12.30pm
Bowl: 1.00pm

17 entries so far:
David Ashby
Christene Webster
Bron Mathews
Mick Poulitsas
Peter Stevanovic
David Knowland
Sarah Knowland
Troy Schultz
Justin Jackwitz
Mary Flower
Tony Hamilton
Kimberlie Suna
Darren Suna
Brian Robinson
Ricky Carlos
Kim Munson
Robin South
Ipswich Open Cup - Updated Squad List

With 48 bowlers so far, we're getting closer to our goal of 60 bowlers. Tell all your bowling friends to come and have a roll! (Bowlers wanting Squad A or B squad would be nice too)

Squad listings as at 18th September:

Squad A
Sat. 25th September
Check-in: 1.00pm
Bowl: 1.30pm

11 entries so far:
Brink Taylor
Jim Ferguson
Jeff Brigg
Dave Hardy
Mark Robinson
Ron Hall
Gavin Crouch
Wayne Crouch
Alice Margiolas
Karen Tadd
Philomena Hurst

Squad B - Sun. 26th September
Check-in: 8.30am
Bowl: 9.00am

11 entries so far:
Duncan Messenger
Dino Margiolas
John Whillans
Alan McKay
Kevin Sullivan
Reg Reichel
Tim Reichel
Paul Cherwin
Tom Cupit
David Cupit
Debbie Ram

Squad C - Sun. 26th September
Check-in: 12.30pm
Bowl: 1.00pm

26 entries so far:
David Ashby
Christene Webster
Bron Mathews
Mick Poulitsas
Peter Stevanovic
David Knowland
Sarah Knowland
Troy Schultz
Justin Jackwitz
Mary Flower
Tony Hamilton
Kimberlie Suna
Darren Suna
Brian Robinson
Ricky Carlos
Kim Munson
Robin South
Jennifer Bird
Ian Renfrey
Steve Hampson
Paul Owens
Sheri Baker
Ray Benedict
Steve Solman
Bernie Ryan
Ronnie Conquest
"great lanes which are maintained with a KEGEL, good food and friendly staff..........

Interesting comment ..... After bowling 34 of 47 wks in the Supercash Singles league I find the above comment to be perhaps a little misleading .......

Ipswich Superbowl is unique in its use of the Kegel machine - it is the only centre that puts out varying conditions week in week out for its Supercash Singles league; with conditions ranging from very dry, to very patchy, to very REVERSE BLOCK.

If Forrest Gump were bowling this event he may say, "Ipswich Lane Conditions are like a box of chocolates, you never know what condition you are likely to get".

AND IF YOU REALLY ARE THAT GOOD, watch out for the offspot racks (ie 5 pin off to the left or the right by half a pin on your racks).

AND IF YOU REALLY ARE THAT GOOD, odd lanes on the pair bowled which reset and score when the opposite lane is bowled on.

AND IF THAT REALLY IS ALL TOO MUCH, then write a letter along with your league committee to the proprietor (in your capacity as League President), you too may get the verbal and written response directed to you, your league committee and your league members ........ "If you are unhappy bowling at Ipswich Superbowl, it is your right to bowl elsewhere".

And if you really are lucky, you may find slanderous and derogatory comments directed back to you and members of the league from the proprietor.

Yep, put me down for A squad please.

Oh sorry, I will be away for this event - maybe next year.

Jon King
Jon, you are a good bowler and surely the challenge is there for you each week. Cheer up. Have a go in this one champ. :D

Everyone bowling next weekend will be on a level playing field, (whether it suits some and not others), as usual in any tournament. I am looking forward to just turning up, bowling and having some fun. If it's my day I might get a bonus but I never expect that, given my ability. But a tourny like this allows me to at least have a chance against great bowlers such as Hammer (the worst bowler in Queensland? - I think not!!!), Hamster, Ricky C, Brian R, John W and others who are miles better than I'll ever be.

As for the food and hospitality, it is first rate.

Thanks Dino, Alice and staff for putting on this competition.

Cheers :D


PS: I don't bowl league at Ipswich. I just love bowling.
Hey Dino,
Sorry to be a pain mate.
You will have to put me back into B squad please.

Just realised that C squad clashes with the mighty Cowboys and i can tmiss that so B it is for me please!

Hey Reg, I wish you wouldn't class the HAMMERoid as a great bowler because it cost his mrs a fair bit of money because she had to buy him a new hat for his swolen head while she was out buying cookies for me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :p :p

Its a good thing reg knows talent when he see's it. I guess the 40 hdcap you will have Ronnie will bring you on par with me. Since your left handed mate, Australia's number 1 lefty might be able to give you a few lessons. :wink: :wink: :wink: Also i hope your being nice to my future wife. Tell her to call me :D :D :D
Hey Hammeroid,
She said she tried to call you to let you know that you had left a packet of waterbombs under the bed. :roll: I then pointed out to her that they where actually custom made frangas for yourself because the full size ones slide off your willy to easy! :lol: :lol: SO she didn't bother trying after that. :p

By the way mate can you ask your mrs if she can have a sandwich ready for me when i get there tomorrow because i will be cutting it a bit fine. What time do you finish work again? :lol: :p

Now shut up and let people post squad times you clown! And get off the mrs jokes because i always get off yours before you get home from work! :p :lol: :lol: :lol:

This post is in no means intended to discourage people from bowling in this tournament.

It is more an opinion of a bowler who believes that the comment put out by Ipswich. 'great lanes maintained by a Kegel, along with friendly staff', is at best misleading.

Surely when a proprietor receives over $20,000 income over the course of a year for lineage (Supercash Singles) they would interested in responding to a letter of concern from its league committee rather than the weak response, "If you are unhappy bowling at Ipswich Superbowl, it is your right to bowl elsewhere".

This league in my opinion has been treated disgracefully in many regards. I am happy to talk to anybody about these matters if they require any further clarification or information.

Eg: When asked to put on foul lights for league, a staff member put the lights on - 3 frames later the lights had been purposely turned off by that same staff member.

My point is that bowlers paying lineage surely are entitled to some basic level of service and are entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect, as opposed to being slandered and attacked week in and week out by the proprietor.

With regard to league conditions, surely a league has a right to expect a similar pattern to be laid week in and week out. I am not alone in this regard. I travel to tournaments and get different conditions at each event and am happy to pay for that. League for me, is a chance to develop consistency in my shot making to use in tournaments (a step up from practice alone) - a higher level of consistency building which is not possible at Ipswich Superbowl.

The 'rollercoaster' league weekly averages speak for themselves - as I am sure will the league numbers upon completion of this season.

I greatly love bowling, like everybody, keep coming back no matter how I bowl. I only object to blatant rude and disgraceful treatment, the likes of which I have only ever encountered at Ipswich Superbowl.

All I can say is, what a load of tripe. Maybe you need to grow up a bit, and not allow your PERSONAL feelings for one individual to sway you against everything and everyone at Ipswich Superbowl.

If you don't like someone, that's your choice, but let's keep things real.
Well .. I won't be at Ipswich.

I'll be at a certain sports bar in Brisbane getting horribly blind drunk on Saturday afternoon.

Then I plan on being horribly hungover to the point of not being able to get out of bed on Sunday. That way I will be able to avoid mowing the lawn.

However, guys, I think JK has a right to express his opinion - this is a public forum. It doesn't seem to me to be a personal attack on anyone.

I would also think that JK has bowled in enough leagues and different centres that he would know the difference between what is good and what is unacceptable.

The Spanner (aka Peter Martin)
WB (Will Ballschmeiter)

Whilst I understand you are working at Ipswich Superbowl, which obviously reflect your comments towards me let me point out and ask you the following questions.

My posts merely raise the question what should league bowlers expect from proprietors with respect to service and treatment.

The Supercash Singles league elected all of its management committee members unopposed (unanimously) - This committee has an obligation to act in the interest of its members and follow up all complaints and queries.

In this capacity, the management committee wrote a detailed letter to the proprietor and was met with the verbal and written response "If you are unhappy bowling at Ipswich Superbowl, it is your right to bowl elsewhere". Further, matters that the proprietor advised would be attended to are still outstanding - 6 WEEKS LATER.

Do you consider this an appropriate behaviour/response?

Further, don't you think league bowlers have a right to expect a level of service as paying customers?

Example, last nights league play consisted of the following troubles - lanes 13 & 14 were half an hour late because of having pins continuously respot from decks that dropped the pins after they had picked them up; lanes 15 & 16 had to have the foul lights turned off because a bowler bowling on lane 14 triggered the foul lights on 15 and scored fouls for those bowlers (even though they did not even foul on 14) * side note: what if a bowler bowled a high game after the lights were turned off? *; lanes 19 & 20 mis-scoring on lane 20 from balls bowled on lane 19. Not taking into account the complaints I received about the offspot racks on one pair of lanes.

My point is this: These are not isolated incidents - these breakdowns and troubles are occurring every week.

Let me ask you this, as an employee of Ipswich Superbowl, how can I get these matters resolved? Perhaps you are in a better position to attend to this as my attempts are met with "If you are unhappy bowling at Ipswich Superbowl, it is your right to bowl elsewhere". Perhaps in your capacity as employee you may have better luck, as my capacity as league president is not having much success.

Let me also be clear, I am not trying to get anybody to withdraw from this tournament; I am simply questioning the statement in the original post from Ipswich, "great lanes maintained by a Kegel, and great staff?."

Let me also ask you to point out to me any matters of my post that are incorrect or untrue - I will be only too happy to apologise on this forum - I think you will find that all my posts contain only FACTUAL information.

I eagerly await your reply.

Jon King

I'd be happy to talk to you anytime re any issues in an adult rational manner, and have no bad feelings toward you whatever, apart from your posting last night before league, where you attack the staff of which I am one, both as a casual tech and on the front counter. You know this, you've worked enough shifts with me.

Anyhow, that's water under the bridge. I've settled down again, but I do maintain that I've never seen you badly treated by any staff member or management, and I (and the other techs) would never reverse block or otherwise stuff up things for left-handed bowlers or anyone else. I know that if I'd done what you alledge I wouldn't have a job by now, and I certainly don't like being maligned as I have been.

I apologise for saying you should grow up a bit, heat of the moment stuff, but you did fire the shot attacking my integrity and the other staff's.

Talk to me anytime, as a friend again, or talk to Dino and let's try to get this league, of which I am also a participant, back on track.

You and Sam had a good night last night, are still holding 3rd and 4th places, and well done.




As of September 22nd, we've got 61 bowlers so thank you to everyone for your support of this tournament. We're looking forward to a great weekend! Call the centre on 3282 4600 if you'd like to bowl in Squad A or B.

Saturday, 25th September
Check-in: 1.00pm
Bowl: 1.30pm

13 Bowlers so far:
Jeff Brigg
David Brown
Denise Brown
Tom Cupit
Jim Ferguson
Dave Hardy
Philomena Hurst
Alice Margiolas
Shannon Miller
Lynn Morley
Mark Robinson
Karen Tadd
Brink Taylor

Sunday, 26th September
Check-in: 8.30am
Bowl: 9.00am

18 bowlers so far:
Steve Adams
Paul Cherwin
Ronnie Conquest
Martin Manning
Dino Margiolas
Alan McKay
Duncan Messenger
Jodie Peacock
Ian Preston
Bradley Quinn
Debbie Ram
Reg Reichel
Tim Reichel
Jim Roberts
Ryan Rodgers
Darlene Stanton
Kevin Sullivan
John Whillans

SQUAD C (FULL - 30 bowlers)
Sunday, 26th September
Check-in: 12.30pm
Bowl: 1.00pm

David Ashby
Sherri Baker
Ray Benedict
Jennifer Bird
Ricky Carlos
Gavin Crouch
Wayne Crouch
David Cupit
Mary Flower
Ron Hall
Steve Hampson
Justin Jackwitz
Adam Jefferd
David Knowland
Sarah Knowland
Bron Mathews
Kim Munson
Paul Owens
Lisa Parente
Mick Poulitsas
Ian Renfrey
Brian Robinson
Bernie Ryan
Troy Schultz
Steve Solman
Robin South
Peter Stevanovic
Darren Suna
Kimberlie Suna
Christene Webster

I thought my posts were clear, but let me make things crystal. My posts in no way are meant to attack any staff member, either counter, back end or kitchen.

These are general comments and opinions regarding my experiences with THE PROPRIETOR at Ipswich Superbowl. Further let me clarify and say that I have had problems with NO STAFF member at any period during my either working or bowling at Ipswich Superbowl. I don't know how much clearer I can be and I hope that resolves this matter.

If you check my posts they are all in relation to THE PROPRIETOR. Comments said to me that have been made to other staff and other bowlers and also derogatory comments made directly to me by the proprietor about myself and other staff members, along with other bowlers.

I have only chosen to resort to this forum as I believe that bowlers paying good money in league deserve better treatment than the blanket statement, "If you are unhappy bowling at Ipswich Superbowl, it is your right to bowl elsewhere".

Further, I have always endeavoured to conduct myself professionally, both as an employee and bowler - despite slanderous and derogatory comments directed at myself and my family.

You are a good guy Will, I hope this clears things up and I wish you well.

Jon King

PS - At no point did I imply or say that you or any other tech changes the Kegel pattern. We are all aware that the patterns at Ipswich are set by THE PROPRIETOR.
Dear ipswich
When is it policy to remove someone from a squad when they havent informed of their intentions?
Really you should wait and hear from person directly, thank-you.
kind regards
tony hamilton

p.s circumstances do change you know
Mate my fault, i apoligise for that, when i spoke to you on tuesday you said you wernt goimg, and i told Dino to take you off the list, once again sorry
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