

Hey, anyone out there who has had an injury from bowling (sprains, broken bones etc)? I'd just like to know thats all.
Yes.....sprained finger (hanging up in a insert that was too tight)
Torn Thumb...does that count?

Apart from that, just the usual things like strained muscles, like a hammy or arse muscle.
let me see, I broke my toe, and put 3 stress fractures in my foot at presidents sheild roll offs This year....
Lesson 1.....Don't Kick Tables!!
tore the flexor tendons in my right arm.... tried to swing my ball through my left ankle numerous times, not for a while now though. last time i did it took 3 weeks to go down to be able to get a shoe on
Kicking tables? damn man. well u maybe wondering what i've done. Hmmmmm i wonder. Sprained wrists, chipped bones, toes fingers the lot. See i had an answer to my question.
i broke my little finger playing football bout six months ago i did it on a wednesday was bowling again on friday.
i broke my little finger playing football bout six months ago i did it on a wednesday was bowling again on friday.
last yr think bout january or febuary or sumfin i was putting my bowling gear into the boot of the car and the boot lid fell and landed on my hand and my thumb was in a splint for a few weeks
it hurt
I've been lucky really....Only torn thumbs...

oh, actually, a very stupid and lame injury is a jarred and cut thumb from clapping a strike.....
hey guys!

jess and rhi,

i remember last year in innercentre a kid fell over on the approach and broke his arm because he landed with it over the gutter.

thats the worst iv'e heard of!

luv yas jess and rhi ~xox~
the injuries that I have don't disappear unfortunately......

I have tendinitis in my left knee and my RC joint in my right shoulder plays up and gets inflamed.

But I live with it......
In 1999 I was bowing Assoc Challenge and got my worst bowling related injury.

I got blood poisoning after splitting the back of my thumb and ended up in hospital for 4 days.
Talking about injuries. Oh my god! lol

I've had so many, I don't know where to begin.

I've torn tendons in my wrist, fingers, and hand. I have had knee problems, back, neck and shoulder injuries, not sure if it was all related to bowling but some of it was. I can't think of anymore at the moment but that just about covers it! Oh, getting a blood blister on my ring finger hurt like hell too and tearing my thumb open as well. This was a while back but there you go. That's my 2 cents worth.

I have shin splints wich often leave me with stress fractures in both shins! They hurt and won't go away so i have to tape my shins!!! looks funny lol and bowling doesn't help they often ache after bowling and smashing balls into them don't help either.

last year i was bowling and i'd had a few drinks and smashed a ball into the bony bit of my ankle. Hurt like hell and did for weeks! nice bruise too!!! lol

Luv Em
i honestly would not know where to start...

-- torn thumb, torn fingers.
-- soft tissue damage to the wrist
-- elbow and shoulers (ongoing thing)
-- lower back (another ongoing thing)
-- stomach (not sure if you can class it as completely bowling related-- but was caused by a female bowler striking me with the hand her wristguard was on one night [she still claims it was a "reflex action"]
-- both knees and big toe (left foot) (another ongoing thing)...

Hey all

I Dislocated my thumb When the ball feel off it and my thumb was still stuck in there

I have a Dawenges lump which hurts lots

well i have lost my FINGER NAIL due to bowling!! i jammed it.
and i have a torn cartlidge in my right shoulder which i have to tape which is a pain and i cant bowl weel due to, too much pain!!
it is a bastard
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