Injured Knee...



Hey all i was just curious wat you would do in my situation...

I've just turned 20 and i hve an injured knee yet i am wanting to try out for Dunn Sheild... My knee is not the best, i hve a chip out of the knee cap and done other various stuff to it and it has scar tissue in joint and fluid and all the yucky stuff.. I also find that i cannont bowl 10 games i a row but if i dont bowl for a week or 2 i'm not too bad..

Would you try out n see if u can make the team knowing that there is always the reserve if u cannot bowl all games when dunn sheild comes about or leave it till like nxt year hoping that my knee will b better even if it means surgery...?
Well i have a bad knee but i have only dislicated mine before but i was having troubles before!! All i do know is wear a knee gaurd when i bowl but the night before i bowl i rub volartin (i spelt it wrong) into my knee and it holds up pretty well!! But as you see my knee isnt as bad as yours!! but good luck anyway and i hope your able to try out!!
i have 2 bad knees lol, i just put up with the pain mostly, mind over matter but when my knee really hurt i put a knee bace or howeva u spell it on lol
Hi Liz
I also have had a knee problem for some time(Im assuming its your "finishing" knee thats the problem).My problem is made worse by my final step "sticking" on the approach.
I found that if I slide more on the last step the impact on the knee is much less.I bought shoes with interchangeable soles to get maximum slide,but if you dont want to do that you can buy a "sock" that fits over the front of your shoe which is good also.Ebonite and AMF make the socks and can be ordered from any centre.
Hope this helps and good luck with Dunn Shield.
I don't know how your injury was sustained (as in through bowling or elsewhere, I'm guessing elsewhere), but often bowlers complain of bad knees. A lot of this comes from the foot position at the foul line with the slide on the final step. If your sliding foot is out of position with your knee joints and the rest of your body, all the stress is felt around the knee area.

So keep a check on that, make sure the body right down to the foot is inline as much as possible throughout your delivery.

As For Dunn Shield, I personally think if you can't bowl 10 games, and you know that, then I wouldn't bowl. That's as much for you as for the team. Maybe it would be a better idea if you left it until next year and concentrated on getting the knee right. Make sure you're not making the damage worse by bowling on it as it is..

However, if you feel you can cope with 10 games, go for it. Personal decision.

LIZ said:
Hey all i was just curious wat you would do in my situation...
I've just turned 20 and i hve an injured knee yet i am wanting to try out for Dunn Sheild... My knee is not the best, i hve a chip out of the knee cap and done other various stuff to it and it has scar tissue in joint and fluid and all the yucky stuff.. I also find that i cannont bowl 10 games i a row but if i dont bowl for a week or 2 i'm not too bad..
Would you try out n see if u can make the team knowing that there is always the reserve if u cannot bowl all games when dunn sheild comes about or leave it till like nxt year hoping that my knee will b better even if it means surgery...?
dont know when ure roll off is and how much time u have but ive suffered from a cartlidge tear in my left knee since i was 18. ICE is ure bestfriend between now and ure roll off ice it as much as you can that will help ease the discomfort and lack of movement from the fluid in ure knee. If u can afford it, find a good physio and see them once a week.

Make sure u warm up well before u bowl and even use some dencorub or something like that before u bowl to warm up the joint.

If u are seriously in two minds talk to ure doctor.
LIZ said:
Hey all i was just curious wat you would do in my situation...
I've just turned 20 and i hve an injured knee yet i am wanting to try out for Dunn Sheild... My knee is not the best, i hve a chip out of the knee cap and done other various stuff to it and it has scar tissue in joint and fluid and all the yucky stuff.. I also find that i cannont bowl 10 games i a row but if i dont bowl for a week or 2 i'm not too bad..
Would you try out n see if u can make the team knowing that there is always the reserve if u cannot bowl all games when dunn sheild comes about or leave it till like nxt year hoping that my knee will b better even if it means surgery...?
Hiya Liz,
I have the same problem with my left knee due to a motor bike accident few years back. I gave up bowling because of the constant pain while bowling. That break i must say did wonders for me and my game. Nowdays i can only bowl 8-10 games,after that you will see me looking for a chair to sit down !! Atleast i can still bowl. If you don't take care of it now, you might make it worst...the down side. As for Dunn Shield, you can try out and see if you can handle it and you only have to bowl nine games over the weekend, ten if your manager wants you to bowl. Anytime you feel like you can't carry on, the reserves can alwz bowl for you.
Best wishes, both for your knee and Dunn Shield this year :D
In 2003 I had to give up completely because of a "stuffed" right knee from a car accident quite a few years ago. (I am nearly 50 now).

Now I go to about 1 1/2 steps (in my local bowl, it is at the end of the shadow of the overhead scorers) from the foul line and bowl from there as if I was playing lawn bowls. It was frustrating trying to find my line, but when I got my eye in, it has gotten a whole lot easier, and there is less stress on both my knees.

I started this in 2004, started off with a 98 average, and only got better from there.

I also strap my knee before I bowl, (it might be best to contact your local sports medicine expert - doc or physio may help if there are none in your area - for how to do this, and any tips they may be able to give you), and keep a gel pack of ice in the freezer shaped to my knee (put in the freezer with an orange or something like that to keep in shape), this is for when the pain is HUGE, and nothing else will soothe it. I find that heat usually exacerbates the problem, but can help sometimes.
hey Liz,
i've suffered the same problem as you and still get soreness is approaches are to sticky, as mentioned earlier ice and a good physio will be your best friends between now and the rolloff, after the rolloff however i suggest you try stengthening the muscles around the knee, eg. calf, quad, hammi, hip flexors. Working these muscles should help reduce the soreness i the long term. if you need, or want, to know any more just PM or email me.

Ive also suffered from a bad Knee (or 2)
I was hit by a 4 wheel drive when I was on my push bike when I was 18 (I'm now in my forty's)
My right knee received a few minor operations (mainly to remove fluid from behind the knee cap)
When I started bowling about 10 years ago I discovered I had been favoring my right knee and my left knee was now the one hurting.
I now wear Knee braces when bowling (on both knees)
The Braces I use are tight elastic sock type thing that just supports the knee and restricts twisting to an extent
These are bought over the counter from a chemist
I found this helps if not physically maybe mentally.
My suggestion is to go see a sports doctor for advice
A sports doctor because there would tend to know more about knees and legs etc then a Normal GP
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