In A Time Of War



Hey guys,

I was going to right something real long and detailed about my question I want to ask but there is no point as I'm sure long and detailed or short and straight to the point I will cop abuse from someone regarding it, so here goes!!!

Why is bowling all about whinging, bitching and abusing fellow bowlers, others involved in the game, centres and conditions??? It always seems that someone, juniors and seniors included, has a negative opinion about just about everything about the game so if it is that bad why do you all bother???

I have been out of this game for 10 months now, apart from my stint in the Gold Cup just gone, and after bowling and now visiting this site for the first time in probably 5 years I am reminded of the very reasons why myself and many others no longer wish to be a part of the game.

Maybe I shouldnt be saying anything because I am out of the game, or maybe because I never really achieved much myself as a bowler and now probably never will and therefore dont have the right nor the experience to comment. But this game for a long time now has and remains one big bitch fest at everything and everyone.

I just dont understand it, you all play the same game on the same conditions at the same centres with the same goals and dreams to achieve.

Just curious cause I just dont get it!!! Can someone explain why this game has to always be a war that is not on the scoreboard where it should be???


UNfortunately the "bitch fest" is not peculiar to bowling. I have been involved in high level competition at pennant golf level and I can tell you the bitchiness and back stabbing there leaves bowling for dead because not only are there ego's involved but also money and status.

Sport at any level, but more so at the elite level is about ego and where ego isinvolved there will be bitchiness, complaining, backstabbing etc from everyone but number 1 because everyone elses ego's refuse to allow them to accept they are not number 1
Brenton_Davy said:
UNfortunately the "bitch fest" is not peculiar to bowling. I have been involved in high level competition at pennant golf level and I can tell you the bitchiness and back stabbing there leaves bowling for dead because not only are there ego's involved but also money and status.
Sport at any level, but more so at the elite level is about ego and where ego isinvolved there will be bitchiness, complaining, backstabbing etc from everyone but number 1 because everyone elses ego's refuse to allow them to accept they are not number 1

Strange ... I played Pennant Golf for 15 years in NSW and QLD, and while I had the odd match that was 'a little heated', I've seen a hell of a lot more at bowling tournaments in 3 years than I ever did on the golf course.

Matt ... the answer is pretty simple. Don't get involved in the crap that goes on ... bowl for your own personal enjoyment.
Hey Matt,
I can hear what your saying but like the spanner says you should really just forget about it and concern yourself with your game and enjoying it.
Some times (in fact most times) alot of energy is waisted on this sort of banter your talking about but really just concern yourself with making a difference to others you respect in the game, and concerning yourself with winning your game.

I had a phat time at Gold Cup and heard the usual dribble but i think that will never change no matter what sport your playing.......

I hope i see you out there with the Lads next year.

Maybe i can bowl you instead of Fraggs LOL!!! that's the second year in a row he's got me =(
Spanner, I had no problems on the course, the bitchiness etc came off course, with all the bar talk and committee room talk. Such things like "he only got selected because his old man sponsors the club" or "Because he's up the club captains A$$". On course etiquette outstrips on lane etiquette in bowling, but the backroom bitching is far worse than it is in bowling (in my experience anyway)
because they can, and they do, and they will continue to bitch and moan until the end of time. I'm pretty sure its the same for most other sports too.

I'm also suprised to read that your no longer bowling, i always thought you were bloody awesome...
His left handed....Of course he should be bowling.....:p

Opps is that part of the bitching etc that goes on.... HEHEHE

Understand what your saying tho Matt, but have to agree it happens everywhere....My sister played Netball....they make them cut their nails....they says its for safety against any accidents....accidents my butt....they out to kill :p
I understand where you're comin' from Matty. I am also in semi-retirement at the moment and cant believe the amount of bitching and sledging that goes on. I'm so glad I never got involved in that kind of behaviour on the lanes, just not my style I spose. I came up through the ranks bowling with such kind and courteuos players such as Steve Wimbridge, Steve Johnstone, Brian Hamer, Mike Muir, Scoops and even Brenton Davy. These guys taught me so much about ettiquete and on lane courtesy. Never compain about lane conditions, always ring the centre manager next day and say how much you enjoyed your bowling the night before and to thank them for leaving the ceiling tile out above your lanes when it 50 in the shade. The list goes on and I will never forget those important lessons these guys have shown me over the years. If everyone could do the same bowling would be in a much happier place right now. Baron

ps You obviously didnt bowl State Champs this year!!!

pps I have to go now my side is hurting
Hey Booga the sensitive Baron seems rather charming indeed!

Good to see your still finding out whats going on round the traps Baron.

Get that tongue out of your cheek...................NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You'll gve prople entirely the wrong impression of me. Some one might think I'm a nice guy.................................

Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:p ;)
Brenton_Davy said:
Spanner, I had no problems on the course, the bitchiness etc came off course, with all the bar talk and committee room talk. Such things like "he only got selected because his old man sponsors the club" or "Because he's up the club captains A$$". On course etiquette outstrips on lane etiquette in bowling, but the backroom bitching is far worse than it is in bowling (in my experience anyway)

Brenton, I'd say you are right. But I'd put the off course stuff down to the fact that most teams are 'picked' rather than 'first 7 past the post'.
Hey Matt

Wattsy and Spanner are spot on - just YOU ENJOY yourself mate. A most respected bowler/tournament director and person (and sometime grandmother who doesn't mind an occasional XXXX !!!!) in Mary Flower runs the extremely popular Twin Tour tournament (among others) in South Qld with the motto "For bowlers who enjoy bowling". Mary has taught me a lot about myself and other bowlers with this tourney - there aren't too many "up themselves" bowlers who turn up for the Twin Tour. I guess they wouldn't be game to either.

In all sports there is corruption - Tenpin is no different.

All sports have their "champions" who are disrespectful to the qualities or abilities of their "lowly incompetent" opposition.

Hey, but think positively!!! I bowl with some bloody great people!!! Some are great bowlers - champions - but they are gentlemen/ladies deserving every respect. Some are very very ordinary bowlers - but they are gentlemen/ladies deserving every respect. I couldn't care less about the loud mouthed, egotists out there - they don't affect me one way or the other - but they don't have my respect either.

I have a great respect for junior and youth bowlers. The number of times I see these young people put down/reprimanded by some adult bowlers disgusts me. These young people are just out there to ENJOY themselves - have fun!!! If they ride a lane (or two!!) and whoop and clap - isn't that just fantastic? Young people having fun for goodness sake!!! When they beat the cr*p out of some "important rsole" they get my 100% respect because their adult opposition in most cases just can't hack it.

Matt, if Murderdoll says you are a good bowler (and I respect his opinion), come back into the fold. Don't punish yourself - get in there and enjoy YOURSELF: Bowling needs more people like you.

The war will be over when people like you hang in there and make it to the elite level and still treat people with respect regardless of their skill level and when people like you speak up about unacceptable behaviour. Of course the higher up you get the more of a role model you become. The war is lost when people like you quit.
baron said:
I think I'm gonna be sick.......!!!
As a few of the others have said, as bad (and downright petty) as the bitching that goes on in bowling is, it's the same in every other sport now.

Football is shocking for it, especially junior footy. I walked out on the football club I supported my whole life because I got sick of the bitching and fighting because the place became infested with complete f*cktards.
Quite often I've gotten sick of the the same sort of crap that goes in bowling - and seen an absolute shitload of promising juniors and good adult bowlers go by the wayside because of it - this annoys me greatly but I just bowl for the enjoyment of playing the game now and don't want others to drive me from a game I love playing.
Play the game for your own reasons and try and steer clear of all the crap.
What's wrong with bitching!!! You'se all my bitches!! I am betterer than you'se! and if you don't like it I'll get my uncle Johnny Howard to close your bowling centre down! and bar you all for life from bowling! I am the best you all know that! now kneel and pay homage to your god! before I slap you!
Ha Ha ha ha haaaaaar!
I know this really isnt a sport, but models have to be the worst offenders. Last night i was working at a bar that was hosting a final for the miss rally australia model search. After the comp had ended, a few of the that were leaving walked past me, with some of them saying "i cant believe that ugly bitch won" and then another said "obviously shes screwed one of the judges"

I shit you not.
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