Important Changes to the 2011 Calendar


Staff member
TBA wishes to announce the following changes to the calendar of nationally ranked events. Due to unforeseen circumstances Mackay Leisure Centre has cancelled the 2011 Mackay Open. Due to this unfortunate situation there will only be 7 TBA Open Ranked Events for the 2011.

In addition the scheduling of the 2011 Asian Youth Championships has clashed with the AMF Youth Cup. As a result of this, there will be changes to both the AMF Youth Cup and AMF Australian Cup. Details of both these events are as follows:

2011 AMF Youth Cup to be held on 26th and 27th November at AMF Tuggeranong

2011 AMF Australian Cup to be held on 3rd and 4th December at AMF Tuggeranong

Please contact the TBA National Office on (07)3262 4455 or via email at should you have any questions.
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