If you have this... does it hinder your performance?



I just got a sprained ankle from playing basketball. A week later i was walking on it pretty well, except for a few minor pains.

Although when i bowled once it caned like hell!

Is there something i can change about my approach that will not injure the sprained ankle, or is the ankle a key part of the bowling approach...

Mabye a stupid question, i might rest it for a week anyway :)
Depends on how much pressure you put on I guess, whether you get yourself into strong leverage position, if not, it would be ok.
A couple of weeks ago i hit the back of my leg with a bowling ball and went down hard. I iced it, and had to walk on it coz it was stiff and sore from bein' bruised and swellin' up. My advice is to rest it, or see a physio. Cya!
1 question. Which Ankle? If its the ankle of your sliding foot, rest it. It cops enough damage from one night as is, doesn't need that plus damage already. However, if it your non sliding foot, then you should be fine. I've sprained my ankle playing soccer, and played the Illawarra Masters the next day as it was my non-sliding foot. I just slowed down the appraoch abit cos this reduced the pain for me.

But, which ankle...?

Later Da Cowman!
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