how untidy is your bowling bag?


thought i'd post this thread because im interested to see how untidy peoples bowling bags are or used to be.
i just cleaned out my bag and found 3 empty water bottles, about 50 pieces of plastic that used to be attached to pieces of tape and an array of chocolate bar wrappers lining the inside of one of the pockets attached to the side of my bag. how disgusting! think i'll make sure to keep it clean and tidy from now onhaha :p
so my question is, how untidy and/or dirty is your bowling bag?
Omg were do i start powder all over the place loose change, broken bits of glass from skin patch bottles, lollie wrappers, part of my right shoe, old score sheets, entry forms, old broken wrist guard, old tape & a dirty nappy:eek:

But some one cleaned it out last week:mad:

In my storm 3 roller in the side pocket i kept my moon shine particle polish. long story short, i also had scissors in that pocket...
Omg were do i start powder all over the place loose change, broken bits of glass from skin patch bottles, lollie wrappers, part of my right shoe, old score sheets, entry forms, old broken wrist guard, old tape & a dirty nappy:eek:

But some one cleaned it out last week:mad:


For starters I think I should clarify that the dirty nappy is not soiled by a baby....just an old one Gary has been using as a hand towel ROFLMAO!!! I cleaned his bag out last week and that is only the start of what I found living in there! There were also several pairs of socks which upon being discovered promptly marched singing and dancing by themselves to the laundry and jumped into the washing machine. By far the most curious item I found in Gary's bowling bag was a lady's personal hygiene product :confused: I have some vague recollection of asking him to bring a couple of these to the bowl for me several years ago........I find it hilarious to think that he has been going to bowling for years carrying this around in his bag. It would've been so funny if one of the boys had seen it in there ROFLMAO.
My bag is really tidy today. I actually cleaned it out on Friday before going away on a tournament weekend. Dried up skin patch, the usual assortment of old wrappers, scorecards, pens (that no longer work of course), 2 odd socks (how they got there I dont know) empty ball cleaner bottle etc. After cleaning out found so much more room in it. Looks like a trip to the local pro shop to get more supplies as what I though I had (ie skin patch) was useless.
Although I thought I kept mine clean, I pulled everything out a couple of months back and found dried up skin patch, some old thumb tape backings, and an enormous amount of scoresheets from tournaments some dating three or four years back when I bowled the ranked circuit.

Needless to say it is now very neat and clean and I now know everything that is in it (only all useful stuff) and where it is located.
Mine are absolutely feral.
In the process of moving my stuff to a new bag or just generally cleaning out the pockets of my roller, Ive found many items including:
- A four to five year old packet of Wizz Fizz.
- Christmas cards from 2003.
- A few dollars in silver change.
- A rosin bag without an actual bag to be in, therefore having rosin all through the pocket.
- Socks that probably havnt been washed in two years.
- A leaking pen.
- Backing paper from insert tape.
- A super glue tube that had leaked.
- Plastic skin that had also leaked.
- Two whole sets of Dexter heels and soles.

I am sure there is more...but you get the idea...
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